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2020-01-08 09:40:01 Source: Procuratorial Daily

■ Ask the traffic police to tell a lie

News: On January 7, the surging news reported that on January 4, a Mercedes Benz stopped at the roadside in Qingdao, Shandong Province, and the traffic police found that the driver Zhu had his driver's license revoked due to drunk driving. Zhu called himself a driver, carrying his boss. For fear of losing his job, Zhu asked the traffic police to lie to tell the boss that his driver's license was only deducted points, but the traffic police refused.

Comments: The revocation of driver's license is a severe punishment for serious traffic violations. Its purpose is not only to "punish", but also to "prevent" - to prevent the punished from continuing to "rush" on the illegal road, which will bring greater harm to traffic order and public safety.

The driver's license has been revoked, and he still acts as a driver for the boss in a dignified manner. In order to keep his "job", he also asked the traffic police to tell him a lie. It really shows us what it means not to take the law seriously.

The traffic police's categorical refusal deserves praise. But I think we should go further, not only not to hide the truth for him, but also to report the situation of his revoked driver's license to his work unit - to let such a person lose his job as a driver is not only responsible for himself, his service boss, but also responsible for the public.

■ "No bottom line live broadcast"

News: The Economic Daily reported on January 7 that as the Spring Festival is approaching, Sanya, Hainan, as a traditional popular tourist destination, will welcome a large number of tourists. At the same time, Sanya is also one of the most popular live broadcast places for anchors on various live broadcast platforms. However, some webcasters forced to follow, chat up and even harass tourists. A few days ago, Sanya issued a remediation plan, specifically proposing to strengthen the supervision and management of the live broadcast scene of Dadonghai Scenic Area, and severely crack down on such "bottomless live broadcast" behaviors as harassing tourists, flirting with passers-by with vulgar words, harassing physical contact with passers-by, and forcibly tracking and shooting passers-by without consent.

Comment: Live broadcast has no bottom line to this point, and it really needs to be rectified.

One thing I want to remind you is that the rectification of such acts is not necessarily limited to administrative means. In accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law and the relevant judicial interpretations of the two high schools, those who chase and intercept others for many times, causing adverse social impact, constitute a crime of provocation and stir up trouble, and can be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

The sword of criminal law is drawn out, and if you don't believe it, you can't stop this "bottomless live broadcast".

■ Deduct 20 yuan per month

News: On January 7, Dahe Daily reported that Mr. Li, a resident of Luoyang, Henan Province, recently reported that his SPDB credit card would be deducted by 20 yuan every month since March 2017 without his knowledge. At first, he didn't find it, but he didn't find it until a consumption in December 2019. In this regard, the staff of the Credit Card Center of Pudong Development Bank explained to the reporter that the business was called "interest free of repayment", which was Mr. Li's free experience after opening other businesses. When the free experience period expired, the bank sent a text message to remind whether to continue to enjoy the business, and declared that a monthly fee of 20 yuan would be incurred. Based on Mr. Li's ignorance of this, the bank will refund this amount for him in the idea of serving customers.

Comment: At first, it was said that it was a free experience. After the expiration, if the customer did not actively cancel, it would be renewed by default and turned to paid use - such a "routine" is common for us.

20 yuan per month is not much. But if it is a muddle headed account and a trick, its damage to bank credit is immeasurable. Banks rely on credit to survive. Can a bank that loses credit go far?

Edit: Zhang Weining

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