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We should severely punish looting and farce according to law

2018-09-05 09:50:30 Source: Beijing Morning Post

  We should severely punish looting and farce according to law

In Dezhou, Shandong, a red Futian truck with a load of peaches collided with an Audi car. More than 20 people looted peaches, leaving the scene in chaos. After the police stopped it, there were more than a dozen elderly women who robbed peaches on their own. An elderly woman was also very excited and asked the police, "I broke the law?" After that, the owner said that less than one-third of the original 10000 kg peaches were recovered. The police answered very positively: This kind of looting has violated the law. (China Youth Daily)

The deterrent power of law lies not only in the strictness of law, but also in the strictness of law enforcement. Only when the law enforcement principle of non appeasement and non indulgence is adopted to deal with looting, can we effectively popularize the law, correct people's wrong understanding of "looting is innocent", and further establish people's awareness of morality, respect for rules, and respect for the rights of others.

  Wearing mouth muffs for walking dogs should be a red line principle

"The dog walking rope shall not be longer than 2 meters, and the dogs shall wear mouth muffs. It is stipulated that each household in the area is limited to one dog; if a dog hurts a person, the owner must send the injured person to the hospital..." After the public solicitation of opinions on the Regulations of Changsha City on the Administration of Dog Raising (Draft), it caused widespread debate. (Changsha Evening News)

The rule of presumptive infringement emphasizes that one in ten thousand infringements can be avoided by taking 100% preventive measures. The regulation of Changsha Dog Raising Ordinance is very detailed and safe. It is very reasonable for the purpose of maximizing human safety and public interests. The regulation of "walking dogs with mouth muffs" should be the red line principle, and the regulations on dog keeping in various places should not be short of this one. (Ma Deming)

  Platform de flow to curb the "brushing" atmosphere

IQIYI, a video website, announced that it would close the display of "play volume" on the front desk and replace it with "content heat" that integrates user discussion, interaction and multi-dimensional play indicators. IQIYI said that at present, the only broadcast volume theory and the only data theory are becoming more and more popular, and many practitioners not only hype vulgarly, but also breed illegal behaviors such as volume. (Beijing Youth Daily)

No matter what kind of video content evaluation system is adopted, it should have the basic principles of openness, transparency, impartiality, independence, etc., to ensure the authenticity of relevant data. At the same time, it is not enough to rely on the platform to crack down on the "volume brushing" behavior. The judiciary should also take action to severely punish the "volume brushing" according to law, so that the gains and losses outweigh the losses, so as to curb the momentum of "volume brushing". (Jiang Debin)

Edit: Zhang Weining

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