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science education

The names of new students with obscure characters should not be ridiculed

Duan Siping
2018-09-05 09:45:37 Source: Beijing Youth Daily

Once again, in the annual school season, some new students had strange words in their names, which made the teacher difficult to call their names. A teacher complained on the Internet that "there was a man named Wu Dafang in the class who just called himself Wu Jiefang, and no one paid any attention to him no matter how heartrending he was.". There are also many children with many strokes on their names, such as "爔", "Xi", "Hao", etc.

When the teacher called the roll, he found that the strange words in the students' names could not be read, and no one answered after reading the white words. It was not strange for the strange words, but the teacher himself should reflect. The reason is very simple. The student roster is not sent to the teacher just before the roll call. Generally, a few days before the formal start of school, the teacher goes to work to prepare for the start of school, and the roster has already been obtained. Don't use this time to get familiar with the roster in advance, and get to know the names of the students. When the roll call comes, it is found that they can't read the names. This only means that the teacher's work is not up to scratch.

It is normal for teachers not to recognize rare characters because they often have more strokes or complex shapes. However, as a teacher, one thing should be understood: no matter how obscure a character seems, since it appears on the roster as a student's scientific name, it means that this character has entered the student's household register, is included in the "name library" of the public security department, and has an "official ID card". It is not a self made character or strange character. For such Chinese characters, the correct attitude is not to tease, but to learn and understand; Through the name of a child, teachers and the whole class can understand the pronunciation and meaning of a rare Chinese character, which is also a good thing for the inheritance of Chinese characters.

What's more, rare characters are just a relative concept. For people, whether a Chinese character is unfamiliar or familiar will also have a dynamic development process. For example, in early years, when people saw the words "Zhe, Kun, Yan, Ben", they thought they were rare words. But as these words appeared more and more in names, more and more people knew them. If people find out the special meaning and value of today's rare words, they may gradually become common words in naming in the future.

Of course, there will always be people who kindly remind that there are risks in naming rare words. I hope parents can be careful when naming to avoid causing trouble to children. Some of these concerns are unnecessary. For example, someone reminded that if a child's name is a strange word, the teacher would avoid asking him to answer questions in class, and the students might not be able to name him. In fact, a strange word will become strange again. Teachers and classmates will not treat it as a strange word if they have read it for ten or twenty times. How can it affect children's learning in school?

However, some concerns are valuable and serve as reminders for the work of relevant departments. For example, some people have obscure characters in their names, which can not be printed on their boarding passes when they take a flight, causing inconvenience in travel. For such problems, the government departments should strengthen the unified integration of the name font database to ensure that the citizens' names can be handled smoothly in all places as long as they get registered permanent residence; In the future, when the Household Registration Law, Language Law and other relevant laws are revised, they can also guide and regulate the naming of citizens.

The right of name is an important right of citizens. As long as citizens use this right within the legal framework, they should be respected. Therefore, teachers should not take the names of students' obscure characters as the object of ridicule. In fact, compared with the names of students' obscure characters, the duplication of students' names brings more trouble to teachers, right?

Edit: Zhang Weining

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