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science education

The new era must study the changed students

He Chunlan
2018-09-04 08:33:12 Source: Guangming Daily

In the new semester and new atmosphere, educators should have a deep thinking about the new era we are in. The author believes that in the new era, educators should study, understand and respect the changed era and the changed students more. If they still use the old way of thinking to teach today's students, ignoring their independent personality and power, there will be all kinds of discomfort. In the new era, educators must "know from the inside", make in-depth research on some new "abnormal events" that are different from the past, re-examine and understand today's students, establish their own power boundaries, and establish a new concept of teachers and students.

First of all, students' consciousness of subject and power is awakened. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the number of years that Chinese citizens have received general education has increased, and citizens' awareness of subject and rights protection has increased. In addition, in the era of fewer children, children have become accustomed to being respected, supported and even spoiled in the family. The awakening of right consciousness also enables them to have the will and action to express themselves and even defend their rights in many things, including education. Second, there are multiple information channels and contents, and few single life examples. We are in an era of information explosion. Today, any social event will be discussed from multiple perspectives. Under the influence of various information, children's models are diverse. On the one hand, they often face temptation and confusion, and on the other hand, they should always think, learn to judge and choose. This is the inevitable requirement of the times for them. Therefore, they do not easily agree with the life path designed for them by adults. Third, the development of information means, superior living conditions and the openness of society make it difficult for this generation of children to experience the hardship of not having enough food, unforgettable yearning, and often lack profound emotional experience; Fourth, the openness of today's society and the flow of people have made today's people more rational, with stronger awareness of rights and boundaries. This also means that children in the future should live in a society of strangers constrained by law and reason, rather than an acquaintance society maintained by affection and reputation. In this context, they demand the right to speak about education. They often question and rebel against the suggestions of teachers and other adults. They are vigilant against being hurt for their own rights; For you, me and others, they have a stronger sense of boundaries. This is the brand of the times for them, and it is also necessary for them to adapt to the future society.

In this regard, as an educator, it is probably the appropriate strategy to actively explore the establishment of a "clean and friendly" teacher-student relationship, and its premise is to establish modern governance thinking, clarify the power boundary, and respect the independent personality of students. Actively study the changed society and the changed students, create a relaxed and equal environment, earnestly respect the independent personality of students, do not try to suppress the reasonable demands of students with parental style, do not try to frame children's life exploration with their own life experience, and accompany children to find themselves and explore the future in respect; At the same time, create a negotiated class culture and campus culture, so that students can learn to express in an orderly way based on problem solving.

(Author: He Chunlan, postdoctoral fellow of China Institute of Education and Social Development, Beijing Normal University, editor in chief of Education Weekly of CPPCC Daily)

Edit: Zhang Weining

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