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The revitalization of Northeast China cannot be separated from a good business environment

Chen Chen
2018-09-04 08:33:27 Source: Guangming Daily

Northeast is changing.

On August 29, cities in Liaoning Province and Shenfu New Area signed 76 projects with China's top 500 private enterprises, with a total contract amount of 295.6 billion yuan. Prior to this, Brilliance Group and BMW Group signed the long-term development framework agreement of Brilliance BMW Automotive Co., Ltd., and determined to build the third factory of Brilliance BMW in Shenyang; Jingdong plans to invest more than 20 billion yuan in Northeast China in the next three years; Hengli Petrochemical, Bora Petrochemical and other major private investment projects have taken root in Northeast China... One investment plan after another tells the fact that capital chooses Northeast China with real gold and silver.

In the first half of the year, the private investment in Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces increased by 13.5% and 19.1% respectively, and the growth rate of fixed asset investment in the three northeastern provinces was higher than the national average... Statistics show that investors' confidence in the northeast is returning.

In sharp contrast to these positive changes, it is the saying that "investment cannot pass mountains and seas" that is difficult to bypass when referring to the economic downturn in Northeast China in the past few years. Although these statements are not objective and accurate enough, it is an indisputable fact that some private entrepreneurs complained that some local governments in Northeast China had dishonest behavior, inaction and disorderly behavior in attracting investment. Looking at itself, it is an indisputable fact that the business environment in Northeast China does have problems.

Back in history, the three eastern provinces have made remarkable achievements - they once accounted for more than 90% of China's heavy industry, created thousands of national firsts, and made indelible and outstanding contributions to the rise of China's economy in the last century. However, in recent years, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and all regions are accelerating the adjustment and optimization of economic structure. In this process, compared with other regions, the economy of Northeast China has declined significantly, causing concern.

As the latest region to withdraw from the planned economy in China, the economic and social development of Northeast China has been constrained and affected by multiple factors, such as the emergence of institutional shortcomings, the heavy historical burden of state-owned enterprise reform, and the deep-rooted bureaucracy. In many people's eyes, one of the important reasons for the economic decline in Northeast China is that the government has not straightened out the relationship with the market, resulting in its business environment unable to attract private economy and stimulate market vitality.

In the face of these problems, the Northeast has learned from the bitter experience: if it wants to revitalize, the government departments should dare to attack the persistent maladies and break through the barriers of interest solidification; It is necessary to carry out a self revolution to reshape the relationship between the government and the market with unprecedented strength; We must do a good job in the reform of "decentralization, management and service", and increase the efforts to streamline administration and delegate power; We should serve the market and enterprises well as a "shop assistant".

After learning from the bitter experience, Northeast China scraped the bone and treated the poison: the government departments had the courage to take their own initiative to change their functions. From the application of resident identity cards to the application of enterprise "birth certificates", governments at all levels in Northeast China have made great efforts to "simplify" and "relax", greatly reducing the number of approval items. The comprehensive reform of government services such as "run at most once", "do not meet for approval", and "one door, one network" have been implemented to optimize the business environment.

The improvement of the business environment has brought positive changes to the northeast economy: a large number of new enterprises have emerged, market vitality has continued to burst, private investment has continued to grow, the industrial structure has been further optimized, and the northeast economy has stabilized and improved.

Of course, there is no end to reform, and there is a long way to go for the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast. Relevant departments should continue to deepen reform and opening up, and give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation; We will continue to delegate power and improve service efficiency and quality; Continue to innovate the regulatory model and control the "hands" of the government that are easy to interfere with the market; We will continue to build a market environment of fair competition and a new type of pro business relationship. Only in this way can we build a good investment and business environment, effectively curb the loss of capital and talent in Northeast China, and make investment across mountains and seas, so that the revitalization of Northeast China will not become empty talk.


Edit: Zhang Weining

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