
·The adjustment of the National Science and Technology Award is of great significance
Scientists who have made great contributions to society should feel the warmth from the country and society, and enjoy the supreme glory >>>

Intangible cultural heritage, as a rare human cultural heritage resource, contains important cultural and economic values >>>
          —— Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Expects More "Donkeys"

The aging population, the adjustment of fertility policy, the rise of young groups after "90" and "00" will bring new consumption growth points >>>
           —— Consumption data is under pressure, but the trend remains unchanged

·Kim Yong's resignation reflects the reform dilemma of the World Bank
Kim Yong's term of office is still more than three years away, and his resignation is full of associations >>>

·The increase of spiritual consolation fund highlights the progress of the rule of law
Improve the national compensation standard of spiritual solace, and pay full compensation to the victims and their relatives, which reflects the due responsibility of national justice for the unjust cases >>>
Ji Xin: Accompanied the "Message to Taiwan Compatriots" for 40 years
Cao Hongyan: Keep calm and fight the key battle of pollution prevention
·Flexible pricing is the only way to marketization
The adjustment of high-speed rail ticket price adopts flexible pricing method, which belongs to "price discrimination" in economics and helps to improve the efficiency of resource allocation >>>
Jiang Qiping: How Attention Economy Should Win People's Hearts
Wei Jianguo: Promote industrial integration and create a common market
·Fairy Dormitory Warning Fire Education Should Keep Up
The "Fairy Dormitory" didn't catch fire for long, because there was a fire hazard, which attracted the attention of the fire department officials, and the dormitory was immediately rectified >>>
Xu Xingliang: Overheating research may not be a good phenomenon
Hu Xinhong: Take precautions to avoid "table explosion" in enrollment
·Early Preparation for "Negative Population Growth"
After the full implementation of the policy of one couple having two children, the number of "second child" births in 2017 increased significantly compared with 2016 >>>
Wang Xiaoyi: The key to building a livable countryside depends on farmers
Sheng Yulei: Health products, don't "fool" the patent medicine
·Kim Jong un's visit to China is a good start for the situation on the peninsula Kim Jong un, chairman of the Korean Labor Party and the State Council, visited China from July 7 to 10. This is his fourth visit to China since last March >>>
He Yafei: What major challenges will the world face in 2019
Yang Guangbin: Looking at world politics requires avoiding romanticism
·The quality of cultural and creative products is far more important than feelings
On the evening of January 5, "The Forbidden City Taobao" posted a micro blog saying that in order to improve the quality of products from the inside to the outside, "The Forbidden City Taobao series cosmetics were completely discontinued" >>>
Hou Hongliang: To record the times, we need to illuminate the hearts of the people
Xue Yuan: Let sports add luster to the era of struggle

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