
·2019: We are all dreamers
Where there is a dream, there is a goal, and where there is hope, there will be struggle. No matter the country, society or individual, dreams are the source of maintaining vitality and stimulating vitality >>>

If you want to go abroad without making a fool of yourself, you must start from daily life and from ordinary times >>>
          —— "No.1 in China"

With the gradual improvement of the national brand influence of "China Service", China's service export capacity has significantly increased >>>
           —— Service trade turns to high-quality development

·Inspiration from Fan Chengcheng's Victory in Defending Rights
Everyone is responsible for his own words. For online rumor making, justice will not be absent, and the law will never allow it >>>

·The motherland must be unified and must be unified
"The motherland must be unified, and it must be. This is the historical conclusion of the 70 year history of cross-strait relations, and it is also an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era." >>>
Wang Mingdi: "People oriented" is the warmest struggle song
Wu Yuanzhong: There should be another way to deal with "Laolai" in public office
·Bank supplementary capital helps return to the original
Supporting multi-channel capital replenishment of banks will reduce capital constraints on bank credit supply, help improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, and enable liquidity to be injected into real enterprises more efficiently >>>
Xia Jinwen: Let the countryside become prosperous in the process of revitalization
Yang Zhongyang: The automobile industry investment filing system does not lower the threshold
·Let scientific and technological innovation achievements empower all mankind
Creating an international environment of benign competition and open cooperation will help scientific and technological innovation step by step. Holding the torch of the new scientific and technological revolution together can empower all mankind and contribute to common development >>>
Chang Weiwei: Moderate criticism and praise are required courses
Xiangchangxin: Calm down and reflect the scientific education concept in primary school education
·It is expected that the "right health incident" can be thoroughly investigated
Since the joint investigation team of the "right health incident" was stationed, the investigation and handling work has made phased progress through investigation and evidence collection >>>
Dai Xianren: Beware of information leakage endangering "Spring Festival travel safety"
Jia Ting: Don't let the "funeral culture" erode your life
·The 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States have witnessed ups and downs Over the past 40 years, successive leaders of the two countries, with their superb political wisdom, have led the bilateral relations to overcome difficulties and generally maintain stable progress >>>
Bell: More Firmly Choose the Road of Open Cooperation
Pan Helin: The 20th birthday of Euro will usher in new challenges
·In 2019, the film and television industry will rise to a higher level
The year 2018 has passed. According to the figures released at the end of the year, the box office of Chinese films has set a new record >>>
Wang Jin: Describe the "Great River" of the Times to the Audience
Yao Village Community: The "Second Dimension" Attack Should Be Treated with Caution

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