
·"Self blame" should be put into action
Ensuring passenger travel safety is the bottom line of the development of online car hailing industry. Nothing is more important than "passenger safety" >>>

Only when the law is respected and the punishment is severe, and the law enforcement iron fist is wielded to eliminate the evil, will the "black radio" be truly unbearable >>>
          —— Punishing black radio requires strict laws and severe punishment

Strictly crack down on illegal acquisition, trading, exchange, provision of citizens' personal information and other illegal and criminal acts, and effectively protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests >>>
           —— Thoroughly investigate the leakage of hotel room opening information

·From Lang Ping's anger
: "Whether the opponent is strong or weak, we should play our own things, prepare for the battle with all our strength, and play well in every game." >>>

·Civil Code Compilation Embodies "People oriented"
From the history of codification in various countries, codification is conducive to the realization of the systematic, continuous and stable nature of legal norms >>>
Zhong Chao: Administer the country according to law and promote everyone's sense of security
Ranyu: Diversified alarm methods should not be rushed
·RMB Enlarges China's Economic Confidence
The RMB exchange rate launched a big move to restart the counter cyclical factor, and the RMB dollar exchange rate also swept away its decline last Friday night >>>
Yao Longhua: Accumulate high-quality development potential with precise investment
Jiang Qiping: Enlightenment from intelligent warehouse technology to start-ups
·Big data "matching" roommate effect to be tested
Of course, big data "calculating" roommates should not be simply "merging similar items" >>>
She Ying: Let off campus training develop on the system track
Jiangnan: Rural small-scale schools expect "small and beautiful"
·The "sexual harassment" of cargo drivers is difficult to shake the pot
For the post processing method of the platform, the statements of the female customers and the platform side are not consistent >>>
Zhao Yunfeng: Strengthening Child Protection Must Build a Pluralistic System
Wang Changlian: Don't let interests hinder the settlement of medical treatment in other places
·Make every effort to build a model of common development between China and Africa The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation is a historic event for China and Africa to jointly plan a blueprint for cooperation in the new era >>>
Zhang Jingwei: Today in Turkey or tomorrow in the United States
Chen Yudan: How should China solve the concept puzzle
·Asian Games athletes are busy with their gold medals, and it's time for their gold medals to break the hundred
Only by simultaneously promoting the maintenance, inheritance and reinforcement can China's sports remain strong and enduring >>>
Qiao Shan: Don't let "excessive entertainment" overwhelm children
Li Qinyu: "Wei Yingluo" should not play too well

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