
·Illegal encroachment on grasslands must be dealt with seriously
Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia, and the Civil Affairs Bureau and Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of New Balhu Left Banner were accused of illegally occupying grasslands and building funeral homes and garbage dumps without relevant procedures >>>

Prevent poverty alleviation funds from "flooding" and let the "sunshine and rain" of the Party and the country really spill on every poor people >>>
          —— Spending money must be effective to prevent poverty alleviation

The phenomenon of "fan fan disturbance" has affected the public interest and social order, so it is really time for a "source governance" >>>
           —— Star information

·"Unable to stand up" high-speed railway seat overlord
If he is not ill but still dominates the seat with the excuse of "unable to stand up", it is necessary to treat him well with rules >>>

·"Online government" needs to be improved
The government website is not a simple website, but first of all an "online government", which must make great efforts to provide better government services >>>
Fan Dayu: Ring Expressway is the road of environmental protection and development
Yuanshan: Strengthening the linkage between government and enterprises is needed to deal with harassment calls
·The rental market is also "not for speculation"
For various "rent speculation" behaviors that disrupt the order of the rental market and increase the cost of living of renters, functional departments everywhere should be more active >>>
Wang Huizhi: Green finance boosts green transformation of economy
Meng Fei: Cultural enterprises may also try equity financing
·"Sleep education" is a must
According to the Management Standards for Compulsory Education Schools (2017) issued by the Ministry of Education, pupils should sleep for 10 hours every day >>>
Needle is not sharp: Rewarding individuality is the correction of general education
Chen Zhiwen: Indulging middle school students to write fake papers is honesty
·"One meter line" cannot be allowed to exist in vain
In fact, "one meter line" is not only about privacy, rules and order, but also about the life safety of the public >>>
Xu Hui: How can the food deliveryman accident causing platform stay out of the way
Li Yingfeng: "No Cancellation" is the Overlord Clause
·The right choice to follow the general trend and meet the people's aspirations On August 21, 2018, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of El Salvador established diplomatic relations, which is the general trend >>>
Bells: a grand event focusing on strengthening solidarity and cooperation between China and Africa
Shen Dingli: America's "60% Strike" against China will not succeed
·The non Olympic projects fully display the diversified beauty of the Asian Games
The non Olympic events have opened a window, from which the unique beauty of diversified Asia and the light of humanistic sports are reflected >>>
Zhang Jing: Literary and artistic innovation is the source of cultural self-confidence and aesthetics
Zhang Zhiquan: Standardizing webcast requires good combination boxing

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