
·Faithfully fulfill the mission of the new era
Over the past 91 years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people's army has won one brilliant victory after another, and has built great historical achievements for the party and the people >>>

The decline in academic performance should be treated rationally, treated due to "illness", and a compound prescription should be given >>>
          —— It is hot to torture and report for class if the performance is not improved

The development of the times needs military support, the happiness of the people needs military support, and the security of the country needs military support >>>
           —— Glorious Family Embodies the Glory of Being a Soldier

·Choosing Sichuan University from Tsinghua University should not be ridiculed
In the past two days, a news that "China University of Science and Technology bully dropped out of school to return to school and gave up Tsinghua University to realize the dream of Sichuan University" triggered intense discussion among netizens >>>

·Law enforcement is the most civilized law enforcement
As long as the law is complied with, the law enforcers should not give up, and the public should also fulfill the legal obligation of cooperation >>>
Zhou Renjie: Exquisite "self design", otherwise
Bailong: Shuhe River washes sand, which stimulates the vitality of the system
·Should not give the network "stock god" survival soil
Investors should keep rational income expectations, stick to value investment and long-term investment, and be unmoved in the face of temptation >>>
Xiong Li: Actively and steadily promote electricity market trading
Fan Dayu: Activating the metabolism of the stock market with forced delisting
·Education cannot only focus on "school opportunities"
The elimination of large class sizes is an important task for the development of compulsory education in China, for which the country has defined specific time nodes >>>
Wang Tianding: The "pompous style of study" in colleges and universities needs to be taken seriously
Cong Yi: Is it worth three months' salary to study abroad?
·Floating rate of industrial injury insurance is a good lever
The introduction of the floating rate mechanism in the industrial injury insurance will help the employers to strengthen their enthusiasm in the prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases >>>
Zhang Tiankan: The reason why two year old babies are infected with AIDS should not be a mystery
Dong Ming: A step must be taken to integrate medical insurance for urban and rural residents
·Return the international trade environment to a clear sky When the US provokes a trade war, it diverts its attention by slandering other countries for no reason, which can only lead to universal opposition from the international community >>>
Pan Helin: US tech stocks plummeted or ushered in an adjustment period
Xiao Xiao: China should continue to open the door to construction
·The "traditional Chinese medicine stem" in popular dramas could have been avoided
As long as the producers are willing to invest and seek cooperation with the medical community, they can give consideration to the plot and medical knowledge >>>
Bi Lili: Absorb the essence of personification from Japanese anime
Zhao Yong: Try to popularize humanities

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