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Middle time review: China Africa Solidarity Anti epidemic Special Summit Faces the Clear Direction for the Global War Epidemic

Bi Zhenshan
2020-06-19 09:44:53 Source: China Industrial Network

  On the evening of June 17, President Xi Jinping presided over the special summit of China Africa solidarity against epidemic in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Unite to fight against epidemic and overcome difficulties". The summit was jointly sponsored by China, South Africa, the rotating presidency of the African Union, and Senegal, the co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation. Photographed by Huang Jingwen, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On the evening of June 17, President Xi Jinping presided over the Special Summit of China Africa Unity and Anti epidemic in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech. At a time when the COVID-19 epidemic is still spreading around the world and global economic development and multilateral cooperation are facing serious challenges, President Xi Jinping's speech and the joint statement issued at the summit will not only further consolidate the China Africa community of common destiny, but also set an example for all countries to deal with the crisis and restore development.

In his speech, President Xi stressed that in the face of the epidemic, China and Africa have shown solidarity and fought side by side. China and Africa have become more united, and friendship and mutual trust have been consolidated. The "four unswervingness" proposed by President Xi shows the determination and confidence of China and Africa to share weal and woe and overcome difficulties together.

The truth is in danger. China and Africa are good friends, good partners and good brothers. The common fight against the epidemic has strengthened the friendship between China and Africa.

At the difficult moment of the epidemic in China, African brothers gave valuable moral and material support. After the outbreak in Africa, China has provided anti epidemic material assistance to the African Union and more than 50 African countries. More than 40 medical teams are active in the African continent to provide local residents with anti epidemic and epidemic prevention assistance. Chinese medical and nursing experts have also held video conferences with their African counterparts for many times to share their anti epidemic experience.

In order to continue to help Africa fight the epidemic, President Xi put forward in his speech measures such as starting the construction of the headquarters of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention within the year, and being willing to take the lead in benefiting African countries after the completion and use of the new crown vaccine. These practical actions of China will provide strong support for Africa to win the battle against epidemic.

Develop after the pandemic. This China Africa Special Summit not only focuses on the common fight against the epidemic, but also focuses on getting rid of the impact of the epidemic, returning to work and production as soon as possible, to provide guidance for China Africa cooperation in the future.

In his speech, President Xi Jinping said that China would cancel the interest free loan debt of African countries to China due by the end of 2020 under the framework of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation. China will also support the construction of a free trade zone on the African continent and work with Africa to expand cooperation in new forms of business such as digital economy and clean energy. With the implementation of these measures, China Africa cooperation will accelerate its upgrading and revitalize.

The picture shows that on June 17, the President of Zimbabwe and some senior cabinet officials participated in the special summit of China Africa solidarity and anti epidemic. Image source: International Online

There are responsibilities under the change. The solidarity and cooperation between China and Africa, on the one hand, reflects China's responsibility as a major country in difficult times, and on the other hand, reflects China and Africa's sense of responsibility to safeguard multilateralism and international fairness and justice.

Influenced by the epidemic, the voices of unilateralism and anti globalization keep rising one after another, and attempts to politicize the epidemic and label the virus have occasionally appeared. In this case, China and Africa have chosen to strengthen solidarity, support multilateralism and support the role of international institutions such as WHO, which will undoubtedly play a positive role in the global fight against the epidemic.

As President Xi said, mankind will eventually overcome the epidemic, and the people of Central Africa will eventually lead a better life. With the experience of uniting to fight the epidemic and the blueprint of seeking common development, China Africa friendship will become more and more "hard core", which will not only benefit the Chinese and African people, but also benefit the world.

Edit: Zhang Weining

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