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Mid working hour evaluation: never be soft on sick enterprise behavior

Sima Yan
2020-06-09 10:50:08 Source: China Industrial Network

Eat earthworms and loaches raw!

This is not a delicious new dish, but a punishment "new" made by a decoration enterprise. It seems that it is not uncommon for people to feel horrible and disgusting at first sight. However, it is rare that this incident ended in the administrative detention of the company's head.

   Author: Wang Jincheng Photo source: Xinhua News

In recent years, there have been many similar pathological corporate behaviors. Whether under the banner of management or for the sake of "cultural construction", some enterprises have various practices that can always surprise people.

I don't know whether it is because the punishment is too light. After being exposed, this kind of pathological enterprise behavior has not converged but has been constantly reinventing. It seems that exposure will not affect the development of enterprises, but will bring different "benefits". For example, this time, enterprises that let employees eat earthworms and loaches raw claimed that this was a marketing plan aimed at improving performance.

However, this time the "benefits" really came to an end, and the police finally detained the person in charge of the enterprise based on the law.

This punishment is very good!

In similar events in the past, whether it was shaving, crawling in downtown areas, spanking or slapping each other, these things were often in the name of employees' willingness, and eventually they either "reconciled" or ended up with nothing. The most severe punishment may be the suspension of the responsible person.

This is far from enough!

You should know that these morbid corporate behaviors are not expressing an expectation of "hating iron but not steel" to employees, nor realizing the urge of "tomorrow will be better", which is insult and corporal punishment.

According to the relevant provisions of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, if an employer "insults, corporal punishment, beats, illegally searches or detains workers", "the public security organ shall detain, fine or warn the responsible person for not more than 15 days; if a crime is constituted, the responsible person shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law."

Since there are clear provisions in the law, why is the implementation often unfavorable?

The most important thing is probably related to the unequal relationship between enterprises and employees. As an employee, either out of the need to keep their jobs or because of the fear of the senior management of the enterprise, they often take the approach of swallowing their pride or doing more is better than doing less. This situation has also contributed to the unhealthy behavior of some enterprises to a certain extent.

Through this example, while reminding workers to take up legal weapons to safeguard their dignity, should we also remind trade unions, labor security supervision and other departments to take the initiative to attack on behalf of workers after finding relevant problems?

You should know that the three cup punishment of "no pain, no pain" and "fine and drink" will only make enterprises feel free from fear, and only the severe punishment of the law can make them feel pain and be restrained. At the same time, punishing severely according to law is also a shock to those who are ready to move later.

This year, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, employment pressure is relatively high, and ensuring employment has become an important task throughout the country. The more in this case, the more we should guard against all kinds of behaviors that infringe on the rights and interests of employees - whether economic or personal. All parties should take the initiative to let workers stand up and work with dignity in the environment of the rule of law.
Edit: Zhang Weining

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