Youdao Cloud Collaboration Service Terms

Youdao Cloud's ownership and operation rights belong to Youdao Company. Youdao Company agrees to provide relevant Internet based services in accordance with the provisions of Youdao Cloud's Collaboration Service Terms (hereinafter referred to as "the Service Terms") and the operating rules issued from time to time. Please read the terms of service carefully (Especially the bold part) , minors should read with your guardian. Using any service of Youdao Cloud collaboration means that you have reached and accepted all the following terms with Youdao Company, including any modification of the service terms made by Youdao Company at any time.

Your use of Youdao Cloud's collaboration service is also applicable to the terms and conditions for the use of Youdao Cloud's note service published on Youdao Cloud's notes and then effective. If there is any conflict between the above service terms and the service terms, the service terms shall apply to the provisions of Youdao Cloud collaboration services.

1、 Youdao Cloud Collaboration Service

  1. After you complete Youdao Cloud collaboration registration and accept the terms of service, you can create an organization (see )For multiple Daoyun collaboration users ("organization members") to achieve office collaboration and team collaboration through Daoyun collaboration services. You acknowledge and agree that the violation of the service terms by the organization members may cause Youdao Company to terminate the personal accounts of the organization members and stop providing services to their organizations.
  2. If you want to use the payment function of Youdao Cloud Collaboration or subscribe to a payment service (including but not limited to Youdao Cloud Collaboration Enterprise Edition), you may need to sign a separate written agreement with Youdao Cloud Collaboration on such services ("independent agreement") to become a party to the independent agreement, and this service terms shall not be deemed to replace the specific contract terms of the independent agreement. If there is any conflict between the terms of the Independent Agreement and this Agreement, the terms of the Independent Agreement shall prevail over the conflicting terms in the Terms of Service.

2、 Youdao Company uses its own operating system to provide you with Youdao Cloud collaboration services through the Internet.

You must:

(1) Carefully read and understand the product introduction of Youdao Cloud, and comply with the service terms and relevant operating rules;

(2) Self provided equipment and network equipment connection;

(3) Personal Internet access and payment of fees related to this service.

(4) Comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (if you are a user outside the People's Republic of China, you should also comply with the laws and regulations of your country or region).

If Youdao Company needs, you are obliged to provide various installation and operation environments for Youdao Cloud collaboration during user deployment, including but not limited to IP address, operating system and network environment.

3、 Service quality monitoring

  1. In order to monitor the service quality of Youdao Cloud collaboration, Youdao Cloud collaboration will send the data (including but not limited to query delay, server address provided by Youdao Company, etc.) related to service quality during software operation to Youdao Company's server when appropriate. At the same time, Youdao Cloud collaboration will generate a unique number. When you install or upgrade Youdao Cloud collaboration, this number and the message indicating whether the installation and upgrade are successful will be sent to Youdao Company's server. This is to improve the service quality of Youdao Cloud collaboration. Youdao Company guarantees that it will not use this information for illegal or immoral purposes.
  2. Youdao Company will provide services according to the terms, but does not promise to solve problems caused by you, including but not limited to software and hardware failures of your computer, use of incompatible browsers, network failures where you are, your network access stops resolving Youdao domain names or disconnects from the server where Youdao Company is located.

4、 Registration and login

  1. You can register and log in to Netease email accounts or third-party platform accounts to authorize login, so as to obtain more in-depth cloud collaboration services.
  2. When you register your account, you promise to abide by the seven bottom lines of laws and regulations, the socialist system, national interests, citizens' legitimate rights and interests, public order, social morality and the authenticity of information. You shall not have illegal and bad information in the account registration data, and you guarantee that when you register and use your account, you shall not have the following situations:

    (1) Violation of the Constitution or laws and regulations;

    (2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

    (3) Damage to national honor and interests, or damage to public interests;

    (4) Inciting national hatred and discrimination, and undermining national unity;

    (5) Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;

    (6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability

    (7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

    (8) Insult or slander others, and infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of others;

    (9) Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

  3. According to relevant laws and regulations, and considering the importance of Youdao Cloud collaboration products and services, you agree that:

    (1) Submit valid and accurate personal information for real name authentication when registering an account;

    (2) Provide timely, detailed and accurate account registration information;

    (3) You may not open this service for yourself or others by profit-making, any improper means or by violating the principle of good faith;

    (4) Each of you shall be fully responsible for all acts and events in his/her account, and shall not sell or lend his/her account. If you fail to keep your account number and password properly, you will be fully responsible for the damage caused to yourself, Youdao Company or a third party.

    (5) If the account registration information you provide is inaccurate, untrue, and contains illegal or bad information, Youdao Company has the right not to register, and reserves the right to terminate your use of Youdao services

  4. You fully understand and agree that you must be responsible for all actions under your registered account, including but not limited to any content you publish and any consequences arising therefrom. You should make your own judgment on the content of this service, and bear all risks arising from the use of the content, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, integrity or practicality of the content.

5、 Service fee

  1. You understand and agree that Youdao Cloud Collaboration has the right to make reasonable adjustments to the current charging methods, payment channels and charging standards according to actual needs, or charge reasonable service fees for some currently free service items. If you do not agree that Youdao Cloud Collaboration charges for this item, you have the right to withdraw from using this service or terminate using Youdao Cloud Collaboration.
  2. You understand and agree that Youdao Cloud Collaboration has the right to decide whether to charge for new service items, and you have the right to choose to accept or reject the service of this item.
  3. If you accept the charging items of Youdao Cloud, you should pay according to the charging regulations of Youdao Cloud; If you do not pay or owe, Youdao Cloud Collaboration has the right to suspend or stop providing this service to you.
  4. You hereby confirm and accept that, no matter whether there is any contrary agreement in this agreement, once you open a paid service for the organization, the organization cannot recover to the free version. If you do not pay or owe the fee, Youdao Cloud Collaboration has the right to suspend or stop providing all services to the organization.

6、 User usage rules

  1. Youdao Cloud Collaboration is only for your internal office use and cannot be sold, transferred, licensed or otherwise provided to any third party. If you want to sell, transfer, license or otherwise provide Youdao Cloud Collaboration or any materials, services or software related to or derived from Youdao Cloud Collaboration, you must obtain the written permission of Youdao Company. If you have any comments on Youdao Cloud collaboration or suggestions on how to improve it, you can submit them to Youdao Company. Please note that if you do so, Youdao Company and a third party will also be granted the right to use and add your suggestions or opinions in Youdao Cloud collaboration (or third-party software) for free.
  2. You must not abuse the service of Youdao Cloud Collaboration. You hereby understand and agree that any information, data, text, software, music, audio, photos, graphics, video, information, user registration data or other data (hereinafter referred to as "content") transmitted by uploading, publishing, sending instant messages or any other means through this service, whether public or private, Content providers and users are responsible for their own upload and use behavior. Youdao Cloud Collaboration cannot control the content transmitted through this service, nor can it fully control the user's use behavior, so it cannot guarantee the legitimacy, correctness, integrity, authenticity or quality of the content.
  3. You should bear legal responsibility for any act you conduct through Youdao Cloud's collaboration. If Youdao and its affiliated companies face any complaint, report, inquiry, claim or lawsuit due to the defects of rights or infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of a third party in such acts; Or be punished by relevant national departments; Or cause Youdao and its affiliates to suffer any loss of reputation, reputation or property, you should actively take all possible measures to ensure Youdao and its affiliates are free from the impact of the above claims and lawsuits. At the same time, you are fully liable for the direct and indirect economic losses suffered by Youdao and its affiliated companies.

7、 Intellectual property

  1. You acknowledge that Youdao Company has all rights to Youdao Cloud collaboration, including but not limited to all intellectual property rights. "Intellectual property" refers to all rights stipulated in the Patent Law, Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Anti unfair Competition Law and other laws, as well as all applications, updates, extensions and recoveries thereof, whether now or later implemented and effective worldwide. You agree that you will not modify, adapt, translate Youdao Cloud collaboration software, create derivative works of Youdao Cloud collaboration, or obtain source code from Youdao Cloud collaboration through decompilation, reverse engineering, disassembly or other ways. You agree not to delete, cover up or change the copyright notice, trademark or other intellectual property notice of Youdao Company or any third party. The logo, layout design, typesetting method, text, pictures, graphics, etc. contained in the network services provided by Youdao Company are protected by copyright, trademark rights and other laws. Without the consent of the relevant obligee, none of the above contents can be directly or indirectly published, used, rewritten or redistributed on any platform for publishing or use purposes, Or used for any other commercial purpose.
  2. You should ensure that the content uploaded in Youdao Cloud collaboration is the owner or has obtained legal authorization, and that the content will not violate any national laws and regulations, nor infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If a third party raises an objection, Youdaoyun Collaboration has the right to delete relevant content according to the actual situation, and has the right to pursue your legal responsibility. If you cause losses to Youdao Company or any third party, you shall be liable for all the damages.

8、 User privacy system

  1. Respect for your privacy is a basic policy of Youdao Company. Please review carefully Youdao Privacy Policy , once you By using or continuing to use Youdao Cloud Notes Service after Youdao updates the Privacy Policy, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Youdao processes your relevant personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Please read the above privacy policy in full to help you better protect your personal information.
  2. If you are a minor under the age of 18, please inform your guardian to read and confirm together Rules for the Protection of Youdao Minors' Personal Information and Instructions to Guardians , and be sure to seek their consent and guidance before you use the service and submit personal information.

9、 Age limit

  1. You confirm that you should have the civil capacity required by the laws of the People's Republic of China to adapt to your behavior, and ensure that you have the ability to independently assume responsibility for all your behaviors using the services provided by Youdao Company. If you do not have the above subject qualification or you are a minor under the age of 18, please read the terms of service with your guardian, and use the service after obtaining their consent to your use of the service; Youdao Company has the right to claim compensation from your guardian when it requires you to bear responsibilities according to laws or this agreement.

10、 Limitation of liability

  1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Youdao Company expressly states that it will not provide any other type of warranty, whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty and liability of marketability, applicability, reliability, accuracy, integrity, virus free and error free.
  2. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Youdao Company and its licensors will not make the following statements or guarantees to you:

    (1) Your use of services will meet your needs;

    (2) Your use of the service will be uninterrupted, timely, safe or error free;

    (3) Any information you obtain by using the relevant services is accurate and reliable;

    (4) The operation or functional defects of any software provided to you as part of the relevant services will be corrected.

  3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Youdao will not be responsible for any unexpected, indirect, special Or indirect damages or claims (including but not limited to damages caused by personal injury, privacy disclosure, failure to perform any responsibility including good faith or reasonable care, negligence and any other monetary or other losses).

11、 Force majeure clause

  1. Youdao Company shall not be liable for the losses caused by force majeure. The force majeure referred to in the terms of service includes: natural disasters, changes in laws and regulations or government directives, unique reasons due to the characteristics of network services, such as failures of domestic and foreign basic telecom operators, computer or Internet related technical defects, Internet coverage restrictions, computer viruses, hacker attacks and other factors within the legal scope Objective conditions that cannot be avoided and overcome.

12、 Notification

  1. All notices sent to you can be sent through your email, notices on the website or announcements in prominent places on the website. Youdao Company will pass the message to you through one of the above methods to inform you of the modification of its service terms, service changes, or other important things. At the same time, Youdao Company reserves the right to place commercial advertisements in Youdao Cloud collaboration and the right to use your login mailbox to publish commercial advertisements, including but not limited to placing commercial advertisements on the login page of the mailbox and any page after login Send commercial advertising emails to you in the mailbox and attach commercial advertisements and/or advertising links to the emails sent by you in the mailbox, but you have the right to refuse to accept such advertisements and other information in the advertising emails in the mailbox.

13、 Safeguards

  1. You agree to protect and maintain the interests of Youdao Company, and be responsible for paying attorney fees, damages, government penalties and other infringement compensation fees caused by your or your organization members' violation of the service terms and/or other service terms.

14、 Termination

  1. You can terminate this agreement at any time at your own discretion, but unless otherwise agreed in this clause, you will not have the right to ask Youdao Company to return the fees paid as of the termination date or reduce the fees you should have paid.
  2. In view of the particularity of the network service, Youdao Company reserves the right to change, interrupt or terminate the service at any time without notifying you if you are a free user. You confirm and accept that Youdao Company exercises the right to change, interrupt or terminate the service, and Youdao Company is not responsible for you or a third party.
  3. If you are a paying user, Youdao Cloud Collaboration can terminate the terms of service by giving you thirty (30) days' prior written notice through the contact information you provided at the time of registration, and will refund any prepaid fees not consumed as of the effective date of termination in proportion. You confirm and know that Youdao has the right to refund you directly without your application, except for the circumstances clearly stipulated by law. The specific conditions and procedures of refund are subject to the rules published on Youdao's relevant service page.
  4. If one party violates an important agreement of the terms of service and fails to correct such breach within ten (10) days after the non breaching party submits a written notice of such breach, the other party may terminate the terms of service. The exception is that if you materially violate its obligations under Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8, Youdao Company has the right to immediately terminate this service to you without notice.
  5. If you terminate the Terms of Service due to Youdao's breach of the Terms of Service, the only and exclusive remedy you get and Youdao's full responsibility for such breach will be to return the fees you paid to Youdao according to the Terms of Service.

15、 Law

  1. In case of any dispute, both parties shall settle it by consensus; If both parties fail to settle the dispute through consultation, both parties agree that China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") shall arbitrate in Beijing, China, in accordance with CIETAC's effective arbitration rules and applicable laws, and three arbitrators shall hear the case.
  2. The above terms are the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this document, and shall prevail over and supersede all previous or contemporaneous written or oral provisions or agreements on such subject matter. The exclusion of any of the above terms must be in writing and signed in writing by Youdao Company and/or Youdao Cloud Collaboration or a third party who provides its software through Youdao Cloud Collaboration.

16、 If you have any questions or complaints about the terms of service, you can send an email to

Youdao Company