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Where are the internet options? How does win10 view internet options?

Where are the internet options? When viewing web pages, you need to make personalized settings for the browser in many cases. Even if you use a third-party browser, you may need to open the Internet Options window to change some settings. In this case, you need to use the Internet Options window. There are several ways to open the Internet options of the ie browser.

First, open the ie browser, click the settings in the upper left corner of the browser, and you will find the internet option.

Second, right click the start menu at the bottom left corner of the computer (win10 as an example) or press the win+x key on the keyboard, and then click the control panel. Where is the internet option

Where are the internet options? Click Network and Internet

You will find the Internet option in the pop-up bar. Where is the internet option

Third, click the network icon in the lower right corner of the computer desktop, and click "Network Settings" in the pop-up menu.

Click Network and Sharing Center at the bottom of the pop-up column. Where is the internet option

The Internet option will be found at the bottom left of the pop-up column.

Editor's Note: That's all for the question of where the Internet option is. There are several ways to open the Internet option. The above example is Win10. Other systems are similar. There are many options that can be set in the Internet options. You can see these options after opening them.

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