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Biomedical sector rose 1.12%, Changshan Pharmaceutical rose 20.07%, leading the way

Beijing, September 12, China Economic Network Today, the biomedical sector as a whole rose 1.12%, of which 136 stocks rose, 6 stocks were flat, and 41 stocks fell.

Data shows that as of today, the biomedical sector has increased 4.04% in the past week, 1.09% in the past month and -1.91% in the past quarter.

Among them, Changshan Pharmaceutical, Fu'an Pharmaceutical, Qianyuan Pharmaceutical, Jinkai Shengke and Pailin Biological ranked the top five in terms of the increase of 20.07%, 18.99%, 9.39%, 7.35% and 6.59% respectively.

Olian Electronics, Nuocheng Jianhua, Bide Pharmaceutical, Beida Pharmaceutical and Great Oriental ranked the bottom five in the increase list, with an increase of -2.96%, -2.61%, -2.10%, -1.91% and -1.65% respectively.

key word: Biomedicine

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