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Create a robust computing platform to facilitate the transformation of financial digital intelligence

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Original title: Building a Robust Computing Platform to Support the Transformation of Financial Digital Intelligence

With the rapid development of digital technology, the mobile payment model represented by mobile payment is causing changes in the financial industry, shortening the distance between financial services and ordinary people, and bringing a new financial experience to the public.

So, what technologies and capabilities are supporting the digital and intelligent transformation of the financial industry? Recently, Tian Mi, a researcher of Beijing Gold Economic Development Research Center, Cao Shengyuan, Lenovo's senior product marketing manager, and Tu Wei, Intel's financial industry customer director, conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as the digital process of the financial industry and the application of business terminals in the financial scene, showing people the trend of financial industry reform driven by technology.

In the process of promoting the scientific and technological innovation and development of the financial industry, digital elements should be injected into the whole process of financial services, digital thinking should be run through the whole chain of business operations, promoting deeper integration and more sustainable development of finance and technology, and better meeting the new requirements and tasks proposed in the digital economy era.

In this regard, Tian Mi said that the financial industry is moving from online to deeper digital and even intelligent development. Financial digitalization is to enhance the application of data, accelerate the construction of infrastructure, and effectively transform and implement scientific and technological achievements, so as to promote industry innovation, enable channel products, customer services, risk control and other aspects. On the contrary, it also puts forward higher requirements for network stability and data security, requiring a large number of technical personnel and advanced equipment and technology to provide support.

Faced with the growing demand of the financial industry for high-performance, stable and secure financial computing equipment, Cao Shengyuan believed that "the intelligent terminal equipment created by hardware manufacturers should not only be closer to financial customers, but also face the vast number of bank depositors, adapt to the key laws of the financial industry application, and meet the multi-directional needs with a targeted view."

As a professional business computing platform, Intel vPro platform has the characteristics of stability, security, remote management, high performance and high computing power. Its Intel Core processor and a series of proven solutions can provide stable support for the digital transformation of financial users.

Tu Wei said that in terms of stability, which the financial industry attaches great importance to, Intel provides technical verification for terminal products using the vPro platform through the IT platform stabilization plan; Ensure that the user terminal will not need to upgrade and patch the core processor, chipset, memory, graphics card, network and other device drivers in the next 15 months, so as to provide strong support for stable operation; The vPro platform has hardware level security protection technology, and through such technologies as Unicode, the whole process from computer delivery to final customer production, production and delivery, it can meet the challenge of illegally tampered hardware and meet the needs of financial users for high security levels.

Tu Wei has great confidence in the stability and security performance of the vPro platform, and added: "In terms of operation and maintenance, the vPro platform can help IT personnel to provide terminal management, including remote switch on and restart, and even the equipment with damaged operating system can be detected and restarted in time, which can not only ensure efficient operation and maintenance, but also implement data protection. This is extremely necessary for the financial industry to manage a very large computing terminal system, maintain the complex computer network scattered from the first tier cities to the fourth and sixth tier cities, and even villages and towns, and ensure data security. "

Cao Shengyuan also said: "vPro provides professional performance for commercial terminals. Its core processor, with its high-performance hybrid architecture and larger cache and AI acceleration technology, makes terminal computers more powerful and faster, and makes large-scale data processing, transmission and other applications of financial business smoother.

Digital finance is a financial innovation driven by science and technology. Researcher Tian Mi stressed that new technologies such as AI and big data are accelerating their application and driving the rapid change of financial technology. In addition to the soaring demand for computing power, there are also higher requirements for the intelligence of computing power, thus accelerating the speed of computer updates. This requires more forward-looking computer procurement in the financial industry in order to keep pace with the times. Relying on the continuous architecture innovation of the vPro platform, Intel and Lenovo and other industrial partners continue to deepen cooperation, promote the upgrading and renewal of commercial terminals, and work with financial industry users to provide a solid guarantee for building a modern financial system suitable for the development of the digital economy, further creating more service possibilities for the public.

Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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