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East Asian Football Federation U15 Men's Football Championship: China beat Japan in penalty shootout to win the championship

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Xinhua News Agency, Qingdao, September 8 (Reporter Ma Bangjie) China won the championship by beating Japan 4-2 on penalties in the final of the East Asian Football Federation U15 Men's Football Championship on the 8th.

On September 8, the Chinese team celebrated at the award ceremony. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

The atmosphere of the match was ups and downs. Japan's attack is sharp, while China's team has high morale and dare to attack each other. Although the two sides failed to score, wonderful offensive and defensive scenes continued to unfold. Less than two minutes after the start of the game, the Chinese team attacked the other team's half court and got a single shot opportunity. Unfortunately, the shot was saved by the other team's goalkeeper. In the second half, the Chinese team created killing opportunities in front of the Japanese team several times, and two of them missed the goal post.

Japan created its best chance in the 43rd minute. At that time, they made a breakthrough on the right and crossed the ball. The players in front of the goal answered and shot. Chinese goalkeeper Zhang Congxi fell down and saved the ball.

Japan defeated South Korea 4-0 in the semi-final, and the threat was fierce. At the pre match preparation meeting, the Chinese team's coaching team encouraged the players to attack freely, not afraid of mistakes, but to believe in their own strength and dare to fight with the other team until the last minute. The players carried out the arrangement of "fighting until the last moment" of the coaching team before the game to the letter. At the end of the game, some players got cramps and fell to the ground. One of the guards, Liu Binglin, was unable to hold on to the game and was carried off the court on a stretcher. At that time, the Chinese team had already used up three replacement places and was forced to face one less player. They tenaciously dragged the game into a penalty shootout.

On September 8, Chinese player Yao Junyu (middle) made a breakthrough with the ball in the game. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

In the penalty shoot out, Zhang Congxi saved the penalty kick of the other side twice, and the Chinese team scored all four except the first player. The Chinese team was ready for the penalty shoot out in the final. After winning the semi-final on the 7th, the team dragged their tired bodies for penalty training.

Before the final, Yoshisho Nakamura, the Japanese head coach of the Chinese team, said that his dream was to lead a foreign team to defeat the Japanese team. His dream came true.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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