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Shanxi's "Xinyi Loan" platform raised 238 million yuan

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On the morning of September 8, the Information Office of the Provincial People's Government held a special press conference on optimizing and improving the business environment of "Shanxi's accelerating transformation and development" series. Ma Shuangxi, deputy director and spokesman of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, introduced the promotion of the "Xinyi Loan" platform.

In order to alleviate the difficulty and high cost of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises and better play the role of credit support for enterprise financing, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant provincial departments, has taken the lead to further promote the work of "Xinyi Loans". Relying on the provincial credit information sharing platform, build a provincial node of the national financing credit service platform, connect relevant national and provincial data, and provide services for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Since the official launch of the provincial "Xinyi Loan" platform, 18000 enterprises and 31 financial institutions have settled in the platform, raising 238 million yuan.

Source: issued by Shanxi

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