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Beijing Tongrentang Medical Care Co., Ltd. Makes a Brilliant Appearance at the 2023 China International Service Trade Fair

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From September 2 to September 6, the 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair (hereinafter referred to as the "Trade in Services Fair") with the theme of "openness leads development, cooperation and win-win future" was held in Beijing. The high-quality and convenient Internet diagnosis and treatment platform of Beijing Tongrentang Medical and Health Care Company and the Beijing Tongrentang Essence and Health Care Banquet, which converge the new health care concept, made a wonderful appearance at this trade fair, attracting countless eyes.

Traditional Chinese medicine leads the way and digital empowerment. Beijing Tongrentang Internet diagnosis and treatment platform gathers excellent teams of famous and old experts inside and outside Beijing Tongrentang and genuine medicinal materials. With the help of Beijing Tongrentang's nationwide medical system, it innovates and creates the "Internet+TCM" diagnosis and treatment business model, provides patients with high-quality TCM resources that can be enjoyed at home, and creates a professional and convenient "good medicine, good medicine" service platform for the masses.

"In the past, I could only go to the hospital once to prescribe medicine for my illness, but now it is very convenient to use my mobile phone to make a prescription for my illness." A patient with chronic disease said excitedly after experiencing online consultation.

"This is really a new experience. I didn't expect that Chinese traditional medicine has used such high technology." A foreign friend was very interested in experiencing the online TCM service of Beijing Tongrentang, and repeatedly praised.

Beijing Tongrentang Essence and Health Preservation Banquet, derived from the essence of TCM health preservation of Tongrentang in 354 years, is based on the research and development of Cantonese cuisine, official cuisine and western cuisine. According to the four principles of "medicine and food are of the same origin, health is controlled by four factors, seasonal response, and diet differentiation", and referring to the principle of "monarch, minister, assistant, and envoy" of TCM, Chinese medicine masters, nutrition experts It was jointly developed by the chef of the health feast. At this exhibition, Beijing Tongren Tangcui and Yangtse Restaurant made the participants understand the concept of Tongren Tangcui, health feast and postpartum nutritious meal, and have a deeper understanding of Chinese health food culture through brochure display, tasting health tea drinks and gifts.

2023 is the 300 years for Tongrentang to worship imperial medicine, and also the year for Tongrentang to work on "brand, variety and quality". Beijing Tongrentang Medical Care Co., Ltd. has always been committed to building a large health ecosystem with TCM characteristics integrating medicine, food, housing, health care and entertainment, and continues to provide the masses with a one-stop, continuous and multi field medical care service system, so that traditional medicine can radiate new charm and health care can enter people's lives.

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