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Sales of new energy vehicles in our city are very popular

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce that the data showed that from January to July, the retail sales of automobiles in our city reached 1.89 billion yuan, of which the retail sales of new energy automobiles reached 370 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 76.9%, driving the total retail sales of consumer goods in the city to increase by 0.6%. What makes Shaoguan citizens so admire new energy vehicles? What progress has our city made in the construction of new energy vehicle charging infrastructure? The reporter paid a visit to this recently.

Green travel and new energy vehicles are highly praised by citizens

(Data picture)

Recently, the reporter saw at the Shaoguan Baoli Nezha Auto User Center that several new energy vehicles were arranged in the hall, with introduction boards and preferential information standing beside the cars. The on-site staff were introducing the configuration and performance of the cars to customers, and consumers were entering the vehicle experience during the introduction. "Since this year, the flow of customers coming to our store for consultation and shopping has increased significantly, especially in holidays, and they are often too busy." The on-site staff told reporters.   

"The flow of people has also driven the sales, and our overall sales of new energy vehicles this year have nearly doubled compared with previous years." Huang Sen, the general manager of the store, told reporters, "Now there are more than 300 units in Shaoguan, which can achieve such good results, mainly because the country has issued policy support to promote consumers to buy new energy vehicles. Now customers who buy new energy vehicles will not only be exempted from paying purchase tax, vehicle and vessel tax, but also have a considerable margin of preference for consumers according to different models. "   

"We have calculated an account that we can save money for a car in about five years." Huang Sen introduced that new energy vehicles are mainly charged from zero o'clock every day, with a price of 0.26 yuan per kilowatt hour, a full charge charge of about 10 yuan, a range of more than 400 kilometers, and a car only costs 0.08 yuan per kilometer, which is much less than fuel vehicles. Huang Sen said that when purchasing new energy vehicles of various models in the store, he also gave away charging piles with commercial insurance, and provided consumers with quality warranty and after-sales services.   

The reporter noticed that most of the vehicles purchased in the store were young people. "Today's young people are more and more inclined to green travel. In the past, consumers had concerns about the endurance of new energy vehicles. Now, with the continuous improvement of the endurance of new energy vehicles, the ultra long endurance not only dispels the concerns of consumers, but also can choose pure electric models or hybrid models according to different needs." Huang Sen said that the new energy vehicle market has a strong momentum, Have confidence in the future.

The supporting facilities for policy support have been continuously improved

"What I am most worried about is the charging of new energy vehicles," many consumers said. However, the charging problem of new energy vehicles in our city is gradually improving.   

It is understood that this year, the charging pile projects of Wujiang District Mine Park, Wujiang Qiaotou, Linqiao Park, Shaozhou Park, Bonjingshan Park and other parking lots passed the acceptance and power transmission, and were officially put into operation. The reporter saw in one of the parking lots in the city that many new energy vehicles and buses were being charged. "I usually use it for commuting. A full charge is enough for about half a month, and occasionally it costs 20 or 30 yuan each time to charge it outside." Mr. Qiu, a citizen, told reporters that the charging pile is convenient and fast to use. Connect the charging gun to the charging interface, scan the QR code on the charging pile to enter the small program, and complete the operation according to the prompted steps to quickly charge.   

In recent years, in order to address the growing demand of the masses for charging new energy vehicles, our city has continued to accelerate the construction of charging infrastructure, coordinated the installation of "convenient charging piles" in multiple parking lots in the urban area, further enhanced the service guarantee capacity of new energy vehicle charging facilities, and effectively solved the problems of imperfect charging facilities layout and inconvenient charging for the masses. The reporter learned that at present, Shaoguan Power Supply Bureau has achieved full coverage of 94 township charging piles, becoming the largest charging pile operator with the widest coverage in our city, and has continued to deploy points in tourist attractions, along roads and other policy demand stations, to fully meet the needs of citizens for new energy vehicles to travel to the countryside.   

It is worth mentioning that our city has also actively promoted the construction of charging facilities for electric vehicles for residents' own use. This year, Zhenjiang District has issued the Notice on Accelerating the Construction and Management of Self use Charging Facilities for Electric Vehicle Residents, and Wujiang District has issued the Notice on Accelerating the Construction and Management of Self use Charging Facilities for Electric Vehicle Residents, both of which clarify that the consent letter for installing charging facilities for self use charging facilities for residents no longer needs to be issued by the property company, It has solved the problem that it is difficult for charging piles to enter residential areas for many years.   

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