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Can Xiao Hong make money by publishing works? What do small red book bloggers make money on?

Can Xiao Hong make money by publishing works?

Publishing works on the Little Red Book itself does not fail to earn income, whether it is graphic or video. However, when the number of fans on Xiaohongshu's account increases, there will be many ways to make money. So if you want to make money on Xiaohongshu, you need to make an account.

What does the small red book blogger rely on to make money?

1. Open the live broadcast of Little Red Book, interact closely with fans, and cash in commodities through the live broadcast room;

2. Directly attract traffic and cash in, attract fans to other platforms for conversion, so as to obtain income;

3. Cooperate with business owners or brand owners. Through these three methods, Little Red Book can be realized.

The current profit channel of most bloggers is to find cooperative brands. It usually has more than 5000 fans, who become brand partners and earn income from brand advertising.

key word: Can Xiao Hong make money by publishing works Xiaohongshu account Little Red Book Blogger What does the blogger of Little Red Book rely on to make money

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