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Yang Mi and Zhang Hanyun's lower body went out of sight, and photos of the scene leaked out, and netizens instantly exploded: Shameless!!!

Marilyn Monroe once quoted: "Stars have undeniable talent, strength and beauty, but also face endless pressure in private life and privacy violations." This is an example of the public's unusual expectations of stars, which regard them as "consumer goods". Stars are valued because people are willing to talk about their private lives, comment on their appearance, and imagine their emotional world in the heart. But does this special treatment mean that stars should be photographed and examined at will?

Female stars often encounter low angle shooting, which is a problem. This is related to the acting industry. Their duty is to follow the stars and capture the life moments of stars for fans. Compared with professional paparazzi, acting is more amateur and cheaper, but it lacks a certain bottom line. In order to sell at a high price, some acting photographers even specially shoot the skirt bottom of the actress or the moment when she is gone. This kind of behavior not only infringes the privacy of stars, but also makes stars feel very embarrassed.

(Data map)

Not long ago, Zhao Lusi had to cover up in a hurry because of the malicious pursuit of acting. Zhang Hanyun has also been subjected to similar filming, and even made malicious jokes in her face. Zhang Hanyun had to walk carefully and asked the acting photographer not to squat down again. Some netizens even blame her for wearing a skirt and regard her as a victim. This view is puzzling. Is wearing a skirt a crime? We should continue to pay attention to the issues of freedom of dress and personal dignity.

Yang Mi also had a malicious squat shot in the previous two years. Even though she was wearing shorts at that time, she was almost gone. This shows that simply wearing pants cannot solve the problem of malicious photography. The root of the problem is that some extreme fans mistook excessive attention for love, and hired a proxy auction at a high price, while some immoral people mixed in and used the proxy auction industry to peep and shoot. In addition, the law and society have insufficient management and sanctions on the acts of sneaking and acting, which makes acting people almost have no fear of being punished. Therefore, all sectors of society need to work together to solve the problem of proxy photography and malicious photography.

However, acting is only part of the problem. More generally, male gaze has become the mainstream in the media. Many media have adopted malicious photography, which reflects the ugly side of the whole society. This shooting method is similar to the low angle shooting of substitute photography, focusing on women's private parts. However, unlike acting, female stars often cannot avoid this situation when working.

For example, at a mango stage party, female artists encountered the so-called "male condensing mirror" and used a shooting method similar to that of acting. This behavior led to some actresses being photographed in underpants, and the pictures were spread on the Internet, which had a very bad impact. However, when the photographer turned to male artists, the shooting method became normal, and the distant view and close-up took their place, almost no longer shooting from a low angle. This kind of unequal treatment makes people angry. It regards women as the object of satisfying male desires, rather than independent individuals.

In order to solve this problem, we must remember the word "respect". Both men and women will take a more casual look at the beautiful body, but the problem is how to look at and appreciate it. The key difference is whether to respect each other. To avoid male gaze, we need to take three important measures:

First, we should treat women equally and not deliberately focus on their sexual characteristics.

Secondly, we must respect privacy, do not use the lens to spy on other people's privacy, and pay attention to the situation of accidental exposure to avoid secondary transmission.

Finally, it is essential to respect the wishes of others. Informed consent must be obtained in advance when photographing others.

In short, when taking photos, we must learn to respect others, especially women. This is not only to treat the female stars kindly, but also to treat our family, friends and ourselves kindly. If we do not respect the privacy of others, we are not entitled to ask others to respect our own privacy. Therefore, respect for others is fundamental

It should run through our behavior and ideas.

American actor Johnny Depp once wisely pointed out: "Men will inevitably look at women twice, the problem is not whether you can gaze, but the way you gaze." This sentence succinctly summarized the key to the problem. Watching and appreciating the beautiful body is part of human nature, but how to do it in a respectful and considerate way is crucial.

On this topic, some people may think that we are too sensitive. After all, both men and women have this innate instinct. However, it is important to clearly distinguish between appreciation and aggression, and between respect and insult. Whether in public or private areas, we should follow the basic moral principles and respect the wishes and privacy of others.

It is worth mentioning that the problem not only exists in the photography and media industry, but also reflects the cognition and attitude of the whole society towards gender equality. When women's appearance and privacy become the only focus of attention, it is not only unfair to them, but also an infringement of women's rights and interests. We should be committed to changing this culture so that everyone can live and work in an environment of respect and equality.

Finally, we need to realize that respect is not only an act, but also a value. We should strive to build a society and make respect our common responsibility. This not only helps to protect the privacy of stars, but also helps to create a more just and equal society, so that everyone can get respect and equal opportunities in their own fields. This is the goal that each of us should strive for, because respect is not only an act, but also a symbol of civilization.

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