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Tea garden base fertilizer (brief introduction to tea garden base fertilizer)

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1. Fertilizer applied before tea seed sowing or tea seedling planting.

2. Functions: increase the storage of soil organic matter and nutrient elements, improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil in newly reclaimed tea gardens or replanted tea gardens, promote and accelerate soil ripening, and lay a good soil foundation for the growth of tea trees, the early establishment of gardens, and the realization of high, stable and high-quality production.

3. It is an important measure of high yield, stable yield and high quality for newly cultivated and replanted tea gardens, and also the key to the success of densely planted tea gardens.

4. The tea garden base fertilizer should be applied deeply and sufficiently.

5. It can be applied comprehensively in the tea garden or intensively under the planting line.

6. The organic fertilizer with high cellulose content is mainly used, and phosphate rock powder slow acting inorganic fertilizer is properly mixed to facilitate soil improvement and nutrient storage.

7. After fertilization, the soil will sink due to the decomposition of base fertilizer, so there should be an interval of 2-3 months between applying base fertilizer and planting tea seedlings or tea seeds.

This is the end of the article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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