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The cad area shortcut key command marks the area (cad area)

(Related data drawing)

Today, Brother Jianwang will answer the above questions for you. The cad area shortcut key command marks the area. I believe many cad areas are unknown. Now let's have a look!

1. Where the area is to be calculated, the line segment is a whole, that is, there should be no short place in the middle. Press the shortcut key AA, then enter O, click the place where you want to calculate the area, and the area will come out. Remember to calculate the decimal point behind the decimal place, and see what your own unit is (how to see your unit: format unit), which is generally mm, that is, remove the following six digits, four colors and five in, The number you get is your area.

2. If the area is not sealed, it is a bit more troublesome. aa will be traced bit by bit later, and the area will be the same as above.

3. If you want the area to have no decimal point, select 0 from the menu bar, format, unit, and precision. The area is an integer.

4. If the area is to be calculated for the combination of straight line and curve, it is recommended to use multi segment lines to draw one side to form one, and then use one method to calculate.

This article is for you to share here. I hope you will like it.

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