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How can tourists avoid clocking in and out to disturb travelers_ Current newsletter

Tourists come in and go out, affecting the travel of residents in the community; Once the place where people used to buy vegetables was crowded by tourists, the residents could only go to the market farther away

How to avoid clocking in and becoming disturbed

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Under the guidance of film and television dramas and short video platforms, some ordinary living places have become popular online. Crowds of clocking in and out swarmed in, making the aboriginal residents living here worried. Professionals pointed out that how to balance urban tourism development and residents' daily life is a test of urban governance wisdom.

A sign of "Residents' Residence, No Visit" was erected at the entrance of Baixiangju Community, a popular online scenic spot in Yuzhong District, Chongqing. Residents spontaneously organized a guard team to keep tourists away. Not long ago, "White Elephant House set up a card to stop tourists" on the hot search, causing concern.

Recently, the reporter went to the White Elephant House to visit the site and found that the previous signs had been removed, allowing tourists to enter and leave freely. However, the topic of how to find a balance between the online celebrity land and the original residents is still continuing. The staff of Chaotianmen Sub district Office of Baixiangju Community said that they were also exploring solutions, hoping to not only meet the tourist needs, but also reduce the impact on the normal life of the original residents.

Tourists affect normal life and residents set up barriers

"The view here is very unique. It has the style of Chongqing's landscape city. It is especially suitable for taking photos. Today, I came here to punch in." On the corridor of Baixiangju Community, Ms. Zhu from Guangxi said excitedly while holding her mobile phone.

The White Elephant House, built in the 1990s, is a residential area composed of six side-by-side residential buildings. The two buildings are connected by long and thin suspended covered bridges. Standing on the corridor, tourists can take pictures of famous buildings and landscapes such as the Yangtze River cableway, Dongshuimen Bridge, Chaotianmen Raffles.

The staff of the local street office told the reporter that due to the distinctive architecture, the White Elephant House has become a location for many films and TV plays in recent years, and a place for online celebrities to punch cards. At present, it is one of the "New Ten Sceneries of Chongqing's Mother City".

But there were many tourists who came here before, obviously not as lucky as Ms. Zhu. On May 23, when some tourists arrived at the Baixiangju Community, they were blocked by warning signs and residents on duty. The residents on duty also have a name: Volunteer Alliance Online Red Card Punching Order Maintenance Team.

Mr. Pan, who lives in Baixiangju Community, is a member of the maintenance team. He said that in recent years, the number of tourists who went to the White Elephant House to punch in has risen sharply, sometimes up to thousands every day, and this year's "May Day" period reached a peak of more than 30000 people. "Tourists come in and go out, and the station is full of hanging corridors, which makes it inconvenient for residents to travel in the community, and also brings hidden dangers to the community's environmental health, security and stability."

"At first, we used persuasion, facilitation and other ways to maintain the order of the tour, but some tourists completely refused to listen, which made the residents miserable." Mr. Pan said frankly, because there were too many tourists who punched in disorderly, they implemented the helpless act of setting up cards to block.

In the face of a large number of tourists, some people can't stand being welcomed

The troubles of residents in Baixiangju Community are not unique. Anfu Road in Shanghai, which has a history of more than 100 years, used to be an old street in obscurity. With the arrival of featured businesses and the clustering of street photographers, it has also become a popular online red card punching place in the past two years. However, problems such as noise disturbing residents and illegal occupation of roads also follow, affecting the lives of nearby residents.

During the May Day holiday this year, Zibo Eight Bureau Convenience Market, which was a popular tourist market in China, was originally a very ordinary cross street, but now it has become a popular online tourist attraction. It is overcrowded. Even local people have to queue up for an hour if they want to have a simple breakfast. "This used to be the place where we bought vegetables, but why has it become a popular tourist attraction? Now it's very inconvenient to go to a far market to buy vegetables." Local residents complained helplessly.

There are a large number of hutong quadrangles near the popular spots in Beijing, such as Shichahai, Drum Tower, Lama Temple, etc. Self made notices are usually posted at the door: "Do not disturb private houses", "Do not enter unless you are invited", "No visit", etc.

Jiamenkou has become a popular place. Some residents find it hard to bear it, while others welcome it. Mr. Liu, who runs a restaurant in the White Elephant Residence Community, believes that although a large number of tourists have a little impact, it is good for residents. "Some residents set up shops or stalls here, which requires tourists to support consumption. If tourists are turned away, business will be impossible."

Aunt Mei, who has lived in White Elephant House for more than 10 years, runs a small shop. In her opinion, the impact of tourists can be overcome. She said frankly that she didn't want to be stopped by local people when she went to other places to play.

The reporter noticed that many places of life that have become popular online are full of various commercial elements, such as restaurants, cultural and creative souvenirs sales, cafes, home stays, etc. In the eyes of operators, tourists bring more benefits than problems.

Advocate civilized and orderly visit and improve urban governance

"More tourists will bring some opportunities to the surrounding areas of the White Elephant House. We will strive to build it into a platform for co construction, co governance and sharing, and the resulting economic benefits can also be fed back to everyone." After the "no tourists" incident, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing Chaotianmen Street Property Office communicated with the original residents.

A few days later, the "No Tourists" sign was removed, and many of the travel strategies of the Punch in White Elephant House also added a hint: Don't disturb the residents' lives. The local residents said that tourists from all over the country are welcome to punch in, but they hope that everyone must abide by the rules and visit in a civilized and orderly manner.

However, the topic arising from this continues. Some professionals said that for residents, the order and environment of the community are directly related to the sense of gain and happiness. Some netizens, especially the webmasters, indulged and filmed videos in others' communities without taboos and boundaries, which will inevitably lead to residents' aversion and confrontation.

Xiong Huali, who has been engaged in the research of mountain human settlements for a long time, told the reporter that the ban sign erected is not to refuse tourists, but to refuse disorder and lack of management. "The beauty of White Elephant House lies not only in the pure flavor of Chongqing, but also in the sense of harmony between people and the city. However, tourists' disorderly visit has destroyed such harmony."

Shang Changsheng, deputy director and distinguished professor of the Research Center for Urban Security and Social Management of Wuhan University, believes that how to balance urban tourism development and the daily life of indigenous residents is a test of urban governance wisdom. If it can be well balanced, it can revitalize local cultural and tourism resources to a certain extent and promote social and economic development.

Huang Shiqiang

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