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The first "5G+Smart Power Plant" in Hainan | Unit 1 of Datang Group Haikou Gas Power Project was put into operation

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On November 9, 2022, Unit 1 of Datang Haikou 2 × 460000 kW 9F natural gas power generation project successfully passed the 168 hour full load test run and was officially put into commercial operation. The formal commercial operation of Haikou Unit 1 is an important measure taken by the Group Company to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and help the construction of clean energy island in Hainan Province.

Since the 168 hour test run of the project began on November 2, 2022, the main and auxiliary equipment has operated safely and stably, the main performance indicators of the unit are excellent, and four "100%" of the input rate of thermal control automation, electrical automation, measuring point input accuracy, and measuring point protection action have been achieved. The nitrogen oxide emission concentration has reached the international optimal value.

Project Introduction

Since the commencement of the project in February 2021, with the goal of "setting the tide, building high-quality products, setting a benchmark and striving for national excellence", the project has overcome the adverse factors such as epidemic, high temperature and typhoon, adhered to the principle of "one hand umbrella, one hand work", took multiple measures to promote the project construction, scientifically formulated the project network construction plan, and realized the power supply of the plant system, boiler hydrostatic test, gas turbine ignition The important nodes such as unit pipe blowing, impulse starting of steam turbine, generator grid connection, 168 hour test run of the unit and so on were successful for one time.

After the project is put into operation, it will change the situation of lack of load support for power grid space security in the central area of the "Arctic" provincial capital of Hainan Free Trade Port, effectively reduce the energy consumption per unit GDP of Hainan Province, ease the tension of power supply in Hainan, and meet the power growth demand for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and Haikou headquarters economic construction during the "14th Five Year Plan" period.

After the first phase of the project is put into operation, the annual power generation is about 2.4 billion kilowatt hours, the annual output value is about 1.4 billion yuan, the annual standard coal saving is about 250000 tons, and the annual carbon dioxide emission reduction is more than 1.92 million tons.

Project highlights

Focusing on the construction goal of smart Hainan, the project aims to build the first "5G+smart power plant" in Hainan Province, innovatively adopt the "5G+" industrial smart Internet technology, build a smart power plant management and control system with the cloud center as the application platform, and integrate 5G technology into the construction of smart power plants by relying on big data processing and cloud platform, so as to achieve digital and intelligent management and control throughout the production and operation of power plants.

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