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Global Express! IBM nearly bought Apptio, a software company, for $5 billion

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Sina Science and Technology News On the morning of June 25, Beijing time, it was reported that IBM was close to reaching a deal to acquire software company Apptio for about $5 billion, so as to deepen the field of automation technology.

People familiar with the matter said that the two sides are conducting in-depth consultations and may finalize the agreement over the weekend. Apptio is currently owned by Vista Equity Partners, a private equity firm.

A Vista spokesman declined to comment, while IBM did not comment.

Apptio was founded in 2007 to provide online services that help manage IT budgets, forecasts, and analytics. The company said on its website that most of the Fortune 100 companies use its products.

According to the report, it is not clear whether the purchase price of about $5 billion for Apptio includes debt.

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