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What is the reason for the unrecognized USB device? How to solve the problem of unrecognized USB devices?

Many novices need to copy things when using computers. The mouse, keyboard, USB flash drive and so on will be inserted into the USB interface. But how to solve the problem of unrecognized USB devices? Here's how to solve this problem.

How to solve the problem of unrecognized USB devices?

1. Right click My Computer and select Properties Hardware Device Manager. Or through "Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager".

2. Click the "Device Manager" button to enter. Locate the Universal Serial Threading Controller.

3. After selecting the item under "Universal Serial Total Thread Controller", select the uninstall button above, or right click the mouse directly to select "Uninstall". -- Unloading.

4. After uninstalling, click any of the options and select the "Scan to detect hardware changes" button above. The system will automatically install the uninstalled driver.

5. Plug in the unusable hardware, and the system will automatically detect the installation driver. Generally, the hardware is ready for use.

How to solve the problem of unrecognized USB devices? The above is the detailed solution. Friendly reminder: If the hardware cannot be used after the above operations, consider that there may be problems with the hardware interface and the hardware itself, and some systems need to be reinstalled.

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