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The board of directors of Wiltai dismissed the general manager, but a director abstained from voting. Investors expect the company's operation to usher in a new situation

On the evening of September 11, Wilhelm released the announcement on the change of senior executives' personnel, saying that the board of directors of the company dismissed Yu Shixin as the general manager of the company because of the company's development needs. At the same time, upon nomination by the Nomination Committee of the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company reviewed and agreed to employ Zhao Yi as the General Manager of the Company, whose term of office is the same as that of the eighth Board of Directors of the Company.

The announcement shows that Yu Shixin's position in the company will be arranged separately after the dismissal. This dismissal will not have a significant impact on the normal operation of the company's daily production and operation.

According to the announcement, the two proposals related to personnel changes mentioned above were reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, but among the nine directors attending the meeting, Director Li Yu, who voted on behalf of Director Xia Guang, abstained from voting on the two proposals mentioned above.

Li Yu abstained from voting on the dismissal of Yu Shixin as the general manager of the company. The reason given by Li Yu was that "the board of directors did not give a plan for the work arrangement after the dismissal." At the same time, because "the board of directors intends to hire the general manager who has limited understanding of the company's situation and has no arrangements for communication and handover with the former general manager", Li Yu also abstained from voting on the proposal to employ Zhao Yi as the general manager of the company.

In this regard, the reporter of Securities Daily called the relevant person in charge of the company for many times as an investor, but no response was received as of press release.

In fact, Yu Shixin has worked in Wiltai for more than 10 years. According to the data, Yu Shixin served as the director and general manager of Wiltai from March 17, 2011 to June 10, 2022. On September 19 last year, the Board of Directors of the Company was changed, and Yu Shixin left office when his term as a director of the Company expired; However, his term of office as General Manager will expire on September 19, 2025. At present, Yu Shixin is the person in charge of accounting work of the company.

In terms of personal resume, Yu Shixin is a master's candidate and has successively served as the manager of the accounting department of Shanghai Zijiang (Group) Co., Ltd., the chief financial officer, director and general manager of Shanghai Ziyan Mould Industry Co., Ltd., Shanghai Ziyan Injection Molding Co., Ltd., Shanghai Ziyan Alloy Application Technology Co., Ltd.

The announcement shows that Zhao Yi has a secondary technical school education and has successively served as the deputy general manager of Chongqing Silian Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd. Zhao Yi does not hold shares of the Company, and has no association with the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other shareholders holding more than 5% of the Company's shares.

It is worth mentioning that Wiltey completed the new Board of Directors in September last year. In the subsequent proposal to elect the chairman of the board of directors, several directors, including Li Yu, objected to Ye Pengzhi's appointment as chairman, and recommended Lin Ziyao, the current vice chairman, as chairman. At the same time, Zhang Yan was opposed to serving as the Secretary of the Board of Directors, and Yin Jun was recommended as the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

According to the data, Wiltek is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of instruments and automobile inspection tools, and its downstream customers are mainly concentrated in traditional industries and automobile manufacturing enterprises. In the first half of this year, the revenue of the two main businesses accounted for 60.35% and 39.65% respectively.

On April 8, 2021, the company was warned of delisting risk by Shenzhen Stock Exchange because the lower net profit before and after deducting non recurring profit and loss in 2020 was negative and the annual operating income was less than 100 million yuan. One year later, Wiltek's performance improved, and the company's stock was "decapitated" on May 23, 2022. However, after "taking off the hat", Wiltey failed to achieve sustained growth in net profit. In 2022, the company's revenue will decline 39.7% year on year to 148 million yuan; The net profit attributable to the parent company was negative 21 million yuan, which made up the net profit of 14.62 million yuan in the previous year.

In the first half of this year, the company's revenue increased by 22.82% year-on-year to 66.5338 million yuan due to the sluggish demand of downstream customers, poor overall sales and other factors; The net profit attributable to the parent company is still negative, with a loss of 7.422 million yuan, slightly narrowing compared with the same period last year; At the same time, the net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 181.71% year on year to negative 10.7576 million yuan.

Under this situation, investors expect the company's management to open up a new situation. "It is hoped that the company will have a new management team, so that Wiltai will become the leading enterprise in the industry and return to shareholders" "Youth will always flash by. Is Wiltai confident that its revenue will exceed 100 million yuan in 2023?" "Where is the direction of Wiltai in the revenue dilemma?" Many investors said on the investor interaction platform.

Wu Wanying, senior researcher of Tianyi Digital Economy Think Tank, told reporters that according to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, if the lower net profit of a listed company before and after deducting non recurring profits and losses in an accounting year is negative and the annual operating income is less than 100 million yuan, it will face the risk of being "* ST". In 2022, the annual operating income of Wiltai will be more than 100 million yuan, which will be attributed to the net profit loss of the parent company; In the first half of this year, the company's operating income increased year on year, and the net profit loss attributable to the parent company narrowed year on year. In the following half of this year, the company can maintain a good trend, which should avoid the risk of being "* ST". However, if the business situation fluctuates significantly, it may also cause the above problems.

key word: Wiltai company Board of Directors 10000 yuan

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