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Ping An Health Insurance released case study results of enterprise health index: "446 law" was extracted

On September 12, www.china.com.cn (reporter Guo Weiying), the construction of healthy enterprises is a specific practice of the healthy China strategy at the enterprise level. By focusing on enterprises, professional people will get more comprehensive health protection.

Recently, Ping An Health Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ping An Health Insurance") released the case study results at the main forum of the 8th East China Health Management Conference. Following its release of the White Paper on Enterprise Health Index 2022, researchers in the following more than a year, from the evaluation data of sample enterprises, daily health promotion behavior data of employees Modeling and monitoring of enterprise claims data, combined with industry data and claims data, confirmed that enterprise health index predicted enterprise health risk factors, which was consistent with the actual claims data and experience of enterprise employees.

The study extracted the "446 law". Among the 16 health dimensions, there are four risks of bad habits, namely, smoking, unbalanced diet, lack of exercise and excessive drinking, which will increase the incidence of four non communicable diseases - cardiovascular diseases, tumors, respiratory diseases and diabetes. These diseases are nearly 60% of the causes of death in China. Based on the case study, the research team suggests that enterprises can use data analysis tools to analyze employee health trends, improve workplace health strategies, track project progress, and identify deficiencies; Enterprises can design workplace health management projects for health risk exposure based on employees' living habits; At the same time, health rewards will be integrated into the health management project, so that employees can accept and maintain healthy living habits.

key word: healthy enterprise data staff

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