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Why is it impossible to exceed the speed of light

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In Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is the highest speed in physics. No matter in the universe can exceed the speed of light. So why did this conclusion come into being? According to the relativistic mass energy relationship E=mc ², when an object approaches the speed of light, its kinetic energy also increases infinitely, and the kinetic energy is directly related to the mass. Therefore, if an object can move faster than the speed of light, its mass will become infinite, which is impossible on a macro scale. Relativity also points out that at a speed close to the speed of light, time will slow down. This means that an object moving at the speed of superlight will experience a shorter time, while in the view of external observers, the same process will take a longer time. This time dilation is related to the problem of infinite mass increase, because according to the perspective of an external observer, when an object moves at the speed of superlight, its mass will also increase indefinitely. Objects moving at the speed of light will break the causal relationship in the framework of relativity, that is, the phenomenon of "causal reversal" occurs. This means that an object can reach its destination before the event occurs, or it can leave after the destination. Such a situation will lead to confusion of time and contradiction of logic, which is inconsistent with our daily experience. Therefore, the speed of light is the extreme speed in nature, which plays a key role in many phenomena and theories. Some celestial phenomena and physical laws depend on the existence of the speed of light, such as special relativity and general relativity. Relativity is a theory that accurately describes the laws of nature. Experiments have proved the validity of these theories. Therefore, based on abundant experimental evidence and theoretical support, we can conclude that it is impossible to exceed the speed of light.

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