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What are the core vocational skills of the "Forest Country" vocational skills

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"Forest Country" is a game full of fantasy and adventure, in which the professional system provides players with a variety of game experiences. In this game, magic guide, spirit doctor and shield guard are three core professions, each of which has unique skills and characteristics. Next, we will discuss their professional skills in depth.

1. Magic Guide

The magic guide is one of the most powerful professions, and its skills mainly focus on magic attacks. The magic guide can use a variety of magic skills, including fireball, lightning and freezing. These skills can be selected according to the attributes of the enemy, improving flexibility. In the advanced skills, the Demon Guide can cast a portal. This skill makes the enemy unable to easily predict the actions of the Demon Guide, thus creating more attack opportunities for them.

2. Psychiatry

Psychiatrists are in play healers who focus on providing treatment and support. Their skills include various healing techniques, which can quickly restore the HP of teammates and improve the viability of the team. In advanced skills, the spirit doctor can even cast resurrection to resurrect fallen teammates and let them return to the fight.

3. Shield guard

Shield guard is a tank profession in the game, and is good at taking a lot of damage. Their skills include blocking, mocking and guarding, which can effectively protect teammates and attract enemy hatred. In the advanced skills, the shield guard can use armor breaking to reduce the enemy's defense and create more attack opportunities for the team.

When selecting professional skills, players need to consider their own game style and team tactics. Each profession has its unique advantages, and reasonable team building and skill application will determine the outcome of the battle. I hope this article can help you better understand the core professional skills in the Forest Country, and I hope you will achieve great success in this fantastic world!

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