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"Fake police" call "brainwashing" woman almost cheated 300000 Yang Xin police successfully dissuade her from pretending to be a "public prosecutor"

"Fortunately, you found out in time to dissuade me, otherwise you would be cheated, thank you!" Ms. Zhou said excitedly. On August 31, the civilian auxiliary police of the Chengdong Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Yangxin County, Hubei Province, raced against the clock and went all out to prevent a person posing as a "public security procuratorate" from committing telecommunications fraud.

"Hey, the police? My mother is being cheated by the fake police. I can't persuade her. Come on!"

Telecommunication fraud discourages against time. The police trotted all the way to the scene.

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"The policeman on the phone asked me to take my account book and ID card to the bank and transfer my deposit to current. The verification code has been sent," said the woman wearing a hard hat.

"The police on the phone are fake! This is the real thing!" The son stamped his feet.

"Did you transfer the money?" the police officer said without paying attention to other topics.

"Because the deposit is fixed, now the other party wants me to go to the bank to handle the current business," said the woman in the hard hat.

The police were relieved to learn that the other party had a regular deposit. It turned out that the victim, Ms. Zhou, was working on a nearby construction site at noon that day. While still working, she received a phone call from a person who called herself "Public Security Procuratorate Law", saying that her son was involved in the case and needed to transfer the deposit of the bank card, or she would take compulsory measures against him.

As soon as she heard that her child was in trouble, Ms. Zhou had no time to think about it. She immediately operated her mobile phone and sent the verification code she received to the other party. Fortunately, the previous deposit was a fixed deposit, and the other party could not transfer it immediately, so they could only continue to frighten Ms. Zhou, asking her to go home with her ID card and account book to the bank to convert the 300000 yuan that had been deposited as a "fixed deposit" into a "current deposit".

In order to dispel Ms. Zhou's concern, the swindler also tricked her not to hang up and said: "You can help her ask for leave from the construction site boss to go home".

Because his mother's telephone line has been busy, his son, Mr. Xu, worried about his mother's accident, rushed home. When he got home, he happened to meet his mother who was going out to transfer money to the local police. Mr. Xu was immediately alert and persuaded again and again, but his mother still insisted on going to the bank to transfer money. Seeing that his mother could not be stopped, Mr. Xu hurriedly dialed the 110 alarm number, and asked the real police to stop him.

At the scene, Ms. Zhou was very nervous at one time, doubting the identity of the police who came, and unwilling to cooperate to tell the story of her fraud. The police made clear their identity and patiently persuaded Ms. Zhou. She finally came to her senses, and was convinced that the person on the phone was a swindler. She was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

In order to further improve Ms. Zhou's anti fraud awareness, the police called out the anti fraud early warning information she had received on her mobile phone and repeatedly explained the common means and cases of fraud to her. Ms. Zhou, who was still in an unsettled mood, realized that she had been cheated.

"What survived was a regular period, otherwise we would have no time to dissuade."

The police remind that they call themselves the Public Security Procuratorate Law, require sending verification codes, and require transfer and remittance to be fraud. Don't believe it. Download the national anti fraud APP in a timely manner, call the police as soon as possible after receiving the fraud call, increase vigilance, and avoid being cheated.

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