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Jiujiang: Weave a "web" to make medical insurance services more convenient

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Jiujiang: Weave a "web" to make medical insurance services more convenient

(2023-09-09) Source of manuscript: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

Wherever the needs of the masses are, practical things can be done. Since this year, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, guided by the needs of the masses, has closely woven a medical security network, made every effort to open up the "last mile" of medical insurance services, and firmly held the happiness of 4.7 million insured people.

"In the past, we had to go to the district every time to handle medical insurance related procedures, and we had to change buses several times. Now it is more convenient, and there is a medical insurance agency in the village, so we can get things done when we go out for a walk." When talking about the medical insurance agency outlets at the "gate of home", Mr. Chen, a villager in Jiangji Village, Xingang Town, Lianxi District, Jiujiang City, gave a thumbs up.

Small medical insurance, large people's livelihood. In recent years, Jiujiang has continuously deepened the reform of "decentralization, management and service" in the field of medical insurance, steadily pushed forward the sinking of medical security agency services, and innovatively launched a four level agency service system integrating city, county, township and village. The number of service outlets has increased from 16 to more than 2600, and the number of medical insurance agency teams has increased from more than 300 to more than 3200. A "horizontal to the edge, vertical to the end" service network system is more solid.

It is reported that after the completion of the four level handling service system, Jiujiang towns (sub districts) have handled more than 300000 medical insurance services for the masses, and more than 100000 medical insurance services have been handled by villages and groups (communities). The convenience and satisfaction of the masses have been greatly improved.

In order to improve the experience of the masses, Jiujiang City has set up medical insurance affairs centers at the county level, medical insurance affairs service stations at the township level, and medical insurance affairs service points at the village level with the goal of "being able to handle" medical insurance matters, "being able to handle" personnel, and "being able to handle" the environment, extending the service platform, business training, and high-frequency matters to the village level. "The insured can go to towns (streets) and villages (communities) to handle 20 high-frequency medical insurance services online, such as insurance registration, off-site medical record, hospitalization expense reimbursement, maternity allowance collection," said the staff of Jiujiang Medical Security Bureau.

We will do a good job and a good deed. Jiujiang City has organized a four level management service network. On the basis of implementing "special offices" in counties, "special windows" in townships, and "special personnel" in villages, it has further innovated service measures for the convenience of the people. Each village (community) is equipped with at least one deputy agent to assist or handle medical insurance related businesses for the people in the area under its jurisdiction, especially the elderly with mobility problems, Let the insured people run the medical insurance business well without leaving their homes.

Fang Youhong, a villager in Fenghuang Village, Jinhu Township, Communist Youth City, was injured in a traffic accident and hospitalized last year. "Fortunately, the village agent helped me run errands during my hospitalization, and I soon completed the medical insurance procedures. I really appreciate it," said Fang Youhong gratefully.

What the people expect, what the government wants. Jiujiang City continues to expand the sink channels of medical insurance agency services, actively introduces social forces to participate in the construction of medical insurance agency service points, promotes the "expansion of points" of the service system, and eliminates "blind spots". At present, the city has created more than 10 co construction sites, so that more people can easily handle medical insurance at the "gate". (Our reporter Sun Guangjian) (Sun Guangjian)

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