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Today's World Hotspot: Intel Arc Graphics Card Beats "Chicken Blood": Microsoft DirectStorage 1.1 Easily Speeds Up 2.7 Times

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Although the performance and compatibility of Intel Arc graphics card are not satisfactory, it is still very timely to support new technologies. DX12U, hardware optical tracking, XeSS super-resolution, AV1 video codec and so on are all available. Now it has joined Microsoft's latest release of DirectStorage 1.1.

In brief, DirectStorage 1.1 technology allows GPU computing shaders to directly access NVMe SSDs and directly process the decompression of game resources without going through the CPU. With the unique advantages of GPU in parallel computing, the speed of decompression of game resources is greatly improved, which greatly improves the game loading speed, reduces latency, and saves CPU resources.

Figuratively speaking, with it, there is no need to wait for long loading when playing games

The latest Intel Arc 101.3793 graphics card driver supports DirectStorage 1.1 and is optimized for Xe GPU architecture.

According to official measurement, On the i9-12900K and Arc A770 systems, after DirectStorage 1.1 is turned on, the bandwidth increases from 7.88GB/s to 21.67GB/s, and the load time decreases from 1.16 seconds to 0.42 seconds, all of which increase 2.7 times.

meanwhile, The CPU utilization is reduced from 100% full load to 1.29%, which is almost unnecessary.

On the other hand, with this technology, game developers can also add more abundant texture resources to improve the quality of the game without worrying about the additional burden on players.

Intel has designed a DEMO Expansion, which supports the virtual texture system of GPU decompression.

As shown in the figure, There are nearly 1000 textures in this scene. The volume of each texture after decompression exceeds 350MB, exceeding 350GB in total, but only occupying about 100MB of video memory space.


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