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What if the computer crashes? What causes the computer to crash?

The rapid popularization of a series of devices such as computers and mobile phones has led to the rapid rise of the mobile Internet industry. Most young people have basic computers and mobile phones, but there are more or less problems in our computer mobile phones in the process of operation. The following mini series collects a lot of information about some common problems in computers, and let's see its solutions!

1、 What to do if the computer crashes

Solution 1: The computer often crashes

1. Do not overclock the CPU, display card and other accessories. Pay attention to the temperature. Otherwise, it will restart or crash inexplicably during startup or operation. When replacing computer accessories, be sure to plug them in properly, because poor contact of accessories will cause system crash.

2. The BIOS setting should be appropriate. Although it is recommended to set the BIOS as optimal, the so-called optimal setting is not the best. Sometimes the optimal setting will cause startup or running crash.

3. It is better to equip a regulated power supply to avoid a crash caused by unstable voltage. If possible, add a UPS so that the computer will not crash after power failure.

4. Do not use floppy disks and CDs of unknown origin. For the software attached to E-mail, use KV300, Rising and other anti-virus software after checking to avoid system crash after virus infection.

Solution 2 for frequent computer crashes

1. When the application software does not end normally, do not turn off the power supply, otherwise the system files will be damaged or lost, causing automatic startup or crash during operation. This is very important for systems such as Windows 98/2000/NT.

2. During the installation of application software, if the prompt dialog box "Do you want to overwrite the file?" appears, you'd better choose not to overwrite it. Because the current system file is usually the best, you can't decide to overwrite the file according to the time sequence (unless you care about the time of the file).

3. When uninstalling the software, do not delete shared files, because some shared files may be used by the system or other programs. Once these files are deleted, the application software cannot be started and will crash, or the system will crash.

4. When setting hardware devices, it is better to check whether there is a reserved interrupt number (IRQ), and do not let other devices use the interrupt number, otherwise, IRQ conflicts will be caused, which will cause the system to crash.

Solution 3 for frequent computer crashes

1. When loading some software, pay attention to the order of priority. Because some software programming is not standardized, it should not be the first to run, but the last to run, so as not to cause confusion in system management.

2. When running large application software (such as OFFICE 2000), do not exit the previously run program in the running state, or the entire Windows98 system will crash.

3. In the case of small memory (such as 4MB-16MB), it is better not to run applications that occupy a large amount of memory. Otherwise, it is easy to crash when running. It is recommended to save the files currently in use when running these programs.

4. For system files or important files, it is better to use implicit attributes, so that these files will not be deleted or overwritten due to misoperation.

Solution 4 to Frequent Computer Crashes

1. When modifying the hard disk master boot record, it is better to save the original record first to prevent the original hard disk master boot record from being unable to be restored due to modification failure.

2. It is better to use less of the beta version of the software, because the beta version is not stable enough in some aspects, which will make the system unable to start after use. Try not to run 16 bit applications in Windows95/98, because 16 bit applications will conflict with 32-bit applications in Windows, causing a crash or failure to start.

3. Before upgrading the BIOS, you should determine the BIOS version to be upgraded, and save the original version first to avoid that the system cannot be started due to an upgrade error.

4. Try not to use pirated software, because there are a lot of viruses hidden in these software. Once executed, they will automatically modify your system, causing the system to crash during operation.

5. There may be a lot of dust in the chassis. If the dust contacts the circuit of accessories, the system will be unstable or crash. Do not run large application software after defragmenting the disk, or it will cause a crash.

6. Do not run other applications while checking the hard disk with anti-virus software to prevent the system from crashing. When surfing the Internet, do not open too many browsing windows at a time, which will lead to insufficient resources and crash.

2、 How to deal with the computer crash and black screen

1) Check that computer components are securely inserted

First, check whether the monitor cable is firmly and reliably inserted into the host interface, and then check whether the contact between the graphics card and the motherboard I/O slot is good. If necessary, please remove the video card and re insert it to ensure that the security guard is inserted in place and in good contact.

2) Confirm whether the display is damaged

If the monitor and video card are firmly installed, please try another monitor that is confirmed to be normal. If the screen is no longer black, the reason is that the display may be damaged.

3) Confirm whether there is a problem with the fan

If the display is not damaged, further check whether the CPU fan is running. If it is running, use a multimeter to measure whether the voltage output is normal to ± 12V, ± 15V. If it is not normal, change a power supply for a try.

4) , detect CPU, graphics card and memory module

If the black screen still appears, remove all components except CPU, graphics card and memory module, and then power on the computer. If there is a memory failure, there should be an alarm sound. If it is not due to memory, please replace it with a normal CPU and restart the test. If the black screen still appears, only one motherboard can be replaced, and the problem should also occur on the motherboard.

3、 What is the cause of computer crash

1. The first reason for the computer crash: the computer is damaged by viruses, trojans and other malicious programs. It is mainly manifested in such cases as the home page is tampered with and QQ number is stolen.

2. The second reason for the computer crash is that the computer system files are damaged due to careless computer misoperation, which is also very easy to cause the computer crash.

3. The third reason for the computer crash: the computer configuration is relatively low, but a large number of applications or large running programs are running at the same time, which causes the system to run unsmooth and crash, mainly because a large number of programs run unresponsive, and the mouse and keyboard do not respond.

4. The fourth reason for computer crash: the use of some limited software or unstable software in the beta version led to system bugs, resulting in poor compatibility and computer crash.

5. Cause 5 of computer crash: caused by hardware problems, poor heat dissipation, too much dust in the computer, overclocking of CPU settings, bad tracks in the hard disk, loose memory modules, etc.

6. Other reasons, such as power failure, poor hardware compatibility, etc.

4、 What key to press when the computer crashes

1. The "false crash" (system paralysis) caused by the sudden increase in the amount of information in the system is usually solved by pressing "CTRL+ALT+DEL".

2. The hardware reading failure causes the computer to completely "crash". You can only press the reset button of the computer chassis. This method will cause some damage to the computer, so be careful!

Partners who encounter the above problems in the process of computer operation can refer to the above operations, hoping to help you.

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