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Can dnf retrieve equipment? How does dnf retrieve equipment?

How to retrieve dnf game equipment? The official website has opened the function of recovering equipment from misoperation in the game. Players can use this function to retrieve the best equipment they accidentally threw into shops or streets. Now let's take a look at the tutorial of DNF retrieving equipment.

Step 1: Open the website, enter the Q Tour Assistant page and log in [Click to enter].

Step 2: Select the game: "Dungeons and Warriors", and then select "Equipment Misoperation Recovery":

Step 3. Agree to the relevant rules and proceed to the next step.

Service rules for misoperation equipment retrieval

1. Only those equipment with more than purple (including purple) discarded by NPC and towns can be applied for recovery within 3 days.

2. The number of times of using equipment misoperation to retrieve service: 1 time/2 months. Only one piece of equipment can be retrieved once.

3. The recovered equipment has no attributes such as enchantment, different dimension and badge. The level and additional attributes of fixed attributes are random, and the status is non tradable.

4. Select your own region and role. After confirmation, you can see the equipment you have operated. Select the equipment you want to restore and confirm it.

Precautions for dnf retrieving equipment:

1. If you have not set the security, please log in to the official website to set the second-generation security so that you can use this function normally.

2. Number of times to retrieve equipment by misoperation: 1 time/2 months. Only one piece of equipment can be retrieved once.

3. The recovered equipment is supplemented in the form of in-game system email. Please check the in-game system email at that time.

4. Some data may be delayed. If you have just misoperated the equipment, it is recommended that you try to retrieve it later.

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