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The 2023 Jinan Culture and Tourism (Linxia) Promotion Conference of "Spring City Jinan · Meeting with Linxia" was successfully held

(Data pictures are for reference only)

Daily Gansu Network, September 8 According to the National Daily (reporter Zhao Haofei), on September 7, the 2023 Jinan Culture and Tourism (Linxia) Promotion Conference of "Spring City Jinan · Meeting Linxia" was held in Linxia City. Ma Li, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Marley said that since the establishment of the eastern and western cooperative relationship between the two regions in 2021, the cultural and tourism departments of the two sides have made two-way efforts, exchanged visits several times and carried out practical cooperation, which has achieved a series of fruitful results and formed a good situation of coordinated development. This Linxia trip sincerely invites people from all walks of life in Linxia to visit Jinan, the spring city.

At the promotion meeting, Jinan cultural and tourism recommendation officials and tourism big V introduced Jinan tourism resources from a unique perspective; Li Juan, the fifth generation successor of Jinan shadow play, showed the intangible cultural heritage - Jinan shadow play on the spot; The state-owned art troupe of Jinan City performed the characteristic dance "Picking Wei Dance" and acrobatics "Double Skills · Brothers"; Cultural and tourism enterprises of the two places signed a cooperation agreement.

After the promotion meeting, the Jinan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism will also carry out a survey of cultural and tourism enterprises in Jinan, travel agencies, Internet celebrities, media reporters, and cultural and tourism cooperation between the east and the west with special performances, so as to promote the "Spring City Jinan · Flowers in Summer" cultural and tourism cooperation between the east and the west to go deeper and more practical.

Heads of relevant departments of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, heads of relevant departments directly under the prefecture and cultural and tourism bureaus of all counties and cities, and representatives of cultural and tourism enterprises, media reporters, Internet celebrities, travel agencies and cultural and creative enterprises in Jinan and Linzhou attended the event.

Editor in charge: Guo Linyu

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