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Five sectors: guide financial capital to support the development of the universe, and promote tax and fee reduction policies to favor industries related to the universe

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[Five departments: guide financial capital to support the development of the universe, and promote tax and fee reduction policies to favor industries related to the universe.] Five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Three Year Action Plan for the Innovation and Development of the Universe Industry (2023-2025). It is proposed to improve innovation support capability. Support the construction of the key laboratory of the metauniverse, manufacturing innovation center, content production base and other carriers, strengthen basic technology research, and accelerate common technology breakthroughs. We will build a meta universe pilot platform, strengthen the testing and verification capability of new technology products, and accelerate the industrialization of outstanding achievements. Build the evaluation and evaluation system of metauniverse products to improve the quality of metauniverse products and services. We will improve the protection system of meta cosmic intellectual property rights and provide high-quality and professional intellectual property services. We will guide financial capital to support the development of the universe, promote tax and fee reduction policies to favor industries related to the universe, and create a healthy and sustainable environment for industrial and financial cooperation.

Information supervisor: Liu Yi 17739761747

Information complaint: Li Rui 15981879377

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