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The Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development of Lengshuitan District carried out the second batch of "sending education to the countryside" village construction craftsman training activities in 2023

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News of Red Net Moments on September 8 (Correspondent Zhou Yun and Tang Lifeng) In order to solidly promote the construction of rural craftsman talent team, further strengthen the quality safety and quality assurance of rural housing construction, and boost rural revitalization, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Lengthantan District organized the second phase of "sending teachers to the countryside" rural construction craftsman training activity in 2023 from September 7 to September 9.

In this training, more than 190 rural construction craftsmen from all towns, streets and administrative villages in the district signed up for the training. The teaching experts "charged and empowered" the rural construction craftsmen from the aspects of design and map reading, foundation and foundation, materials and machines, quality and safety, concrete and masonry works, thermal insulation and waterproof works, etc. After the training, the trainees were also given a theoretical and technical examination, and the qualified craftsmen were issued a training certificate for rural construction craftsmen in Hunan Province.

In the next step, Lengshuitan District will continue to carry out the "sending education to the countryside" rural construction craftsman training activity, enrich the training form and content, cultivate more rural construction craftsmen with both theoretical knowledge and technology, provide talent guarantee for the quality and safety of rural housing construction, and inject strong impetus into rural revitalization.

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