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Shenzhen International cancelled the issuance of "23 International P5" and "23 International P6" bonds

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On August 1, Shenzhen International released an announcement on canceling the issuance of "Shenzhen International Holding Co., Ltd.'s 2023 public issuance of corporate bonds to professional investors (the third phase)".

Viewpoint New Media learned that the current bond was originally scheduled to be issued offline from 14:00-18:00 on August 1, 2023, and issued offline from August 2 to August 3, 2023. The original offline inquiry interest rate range of bond type I (23 International P5 for short; code: 148405) was 2.30% - 3.30%, and the original offline inquiry interest rate range of bond type II (23 International P6 for short; code: 148406 for short) was 2.60% - 3.60%.

Shenzhen International said in the announcement that, in view of the recent market situation, the issuer, the lead underwriter and the investors decided to cancel the issuance of the current bonds through consultation, and the subsequent issuance time will be determined separately.

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