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How does Apple install Microsoft Yahei font? How to set up Microsoft IELTS?

How to install Microsoft Yahei? Many little friends don't know, so today I will give you an answer. I hope it can help the little friends in need.

1. Right click on the desktop -- Properties -- Appearance -- Effect -- "Clear" -- OK;

2. Unzip the downloaded software, you will see the file, find the font folder, copy and paste the file into the folder;

3. How can I find the font folder? Start -- Settings -- Control Panel -- Font. Click OK in the first step after pasting here to complete the application. Then when you open WPS Office software, you can view the Microsoft Yahei font.

How does Apple install Microsoft Yahei font?

1. First of all, you should go to the web page to download the fonts you need that are not available on the computer. For example, what I need here is Microsoft Yahei. Search the web page for the Mac version;

2. Then you can choose a web page to download. After downloading, the installation package will automatically enter the downloaded disk in your computer;

3. Then we find the startup platform in the program dock below;

4. Search in the search bar above the launch pad: font book;

5. In the font book, we can see the N fonts that come with the computer, click on it;

6. Then we can click Download in My Favorites to see the installation package just downloaded, and then click it to decompress it;

7. Then start the installation, enter the user name and password to allow the font to be installed, and then prompt for successful installation;

8. Then you can see the successfully installed fonts on the computer. Next, open the table to see and filter the fonts.

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