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What are the names of the five Fuwa of the Olympic Games? What are the original forms of the five Fuwa?

What are the names of the five Fuwa of the Olympic Games? I don't think many of my friends can remember, so I'll take you to have a look today.

The five Fuwa are called "Beibei", "Jingjing", "Huanhuan", "Yingying" and "Nini" respectively.

"Fuwa" are five personified dolls. Their archetypes and headdresses contain the connection with the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky. They apply the expression way of Chinese traditional art and show the broad and profound splendid Chinese culture.

Each doll of the Beijing Olympic mascot represents a good wish: Beibei symbolizes prosperity, Jingjing symbolizes joy, Huanhuan symbolizes passion, Yingying symbolizes health, and Nini symbolizes good luck. With the hospitality of Beijing, the dolls brought their blessings to all corners of the world and invited people from all over the world to gather in Beijing to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China.

What are the original forms of the five Fuwa?

The names of the five Fuwa are "Beibei", "Jingjing", "Huanhuan", "Yingying" and "Nini".

Beibei's prototype: carp. Inspiration source: Chinese New Year picture - lotus year, Chinese traditional fish pattern, water wave pattern.

Jingjing's prototype: Panda. Inspiration source: China's endangered rare animals: pandas, Song Dynasty porcelain lotus shaped.

Huanhuan's prototype: the Olympic flame. Inspiration source: Chinese traditional fire patterns, and fire patterns in Dunhuang frescoes.

Yingying's prototype: Tibetan antelope. Inspiration source: Tibetan antelope, a rare animal unique to China.

Nini's prototype: swallow. Inspiration source: the tradition of Beijing - Shayan kite, Beijing Swift.

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