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New news: Yang Zhenglong's girlfriend Huang Zifei has no marriage plan yet and refuses to disclose the baby's gender

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Yang Zhenglong's girlfriend Huang Zifei made her first public appearance after announcing her joy

Sohu Entertainment News On August 22, Beijing time, according to Hong Kong media reports, Yang Shoucheng's son, Yang Zhenglong's girlfriend, Huang Zifei (Ava), went to Mongkok yesterday (August 21) to attend the event. Huang Zifei, who announced that she was pregnant earlier, showed up with a protruding belly in a short skirt and flat shoes and refused to disclose the number of weeks of pregnancy

Huang Zifei said that in the first three months of pregnancy, some pregnancy reactions were very hard. She disclosed that she had chosen caesarean section, but when asked about the baby's gender, she was very interested. She said: "Only family members know, friends do not know."

Did Huang Zifei and Yang Zhenglong take wedding photos? She said, "When my belly gets bigger, I will take big belly photos with my baby's father." As for when I plan to get married? She said, "I will decide after giving birth."

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