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Information | Ministry of Transport: Strictly implement the policy of free tolls for small buses on major holidays

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Article: Li Dezhe, the original of Emperor Che

[Original industry of KYC] KYC learned from the Ministry of Transport that on April 23, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice to deploy transportation services and work safety during the May Day holiday.

The Ministry of Transport issued a notice to deploy transportation service guarantee and work safety during the May Day holiday

The Ministry of Transport issued a document saying that the May Day holiday in 2023 is approaching. It is expected that during the holiday, the travel demand for tourism and family visits will be very strong, the transportation of energy, people's livelihood and other materials will be intensive, the commercial passenger volume and the traffic flow of the highway network will operate at a high level, and the transportation guarantee task will be heavy.

The notice covers eight aspects, specifically, preventing and resolving security risks, strengthening passenger transport organization, ensuring smooth traffic and logistics, ensuring smooth road network operation, maintaining good market order, scientifically and accurately implementing epidemic prevention and control, properly handling industrial emergencies, strengthening on duty duty and information submission.

The Ministry of Transport stressed the need to strictly implement the policy of free tolls for small buses on major holidays

Among them, the Ministry of Transport mentioned that Strengthen safety control during transportation Rely on the dynamic monitoring system and other information means, timely find and correct unsafe driving behaviors of drivers, and effectively curb production safety accidents caused by human factors.

In terms of strengthening passenger transport organization, the Ministry of Transport requires Focus on strengthening travel service guarantee We will strengthen the delivery of transport capacity in tourism distribution centers and tourist attractions (points), and meet the travel needs of tourists through multiple channels by launching urban public transport special lines, inter district buses, tourist passenger lines, customized passenger routes, and strengthening the supply of transport capacity for tourist charter vehicles. At the same time, We should actively carry out customized passenger transport and intermodal transport services We will do a good job in car rental and Internet bike rental services, enrich service supply and facilitate passenger travel.

The Ministry of Transport requires to strengthen the operation guarantee of expressway service areas, strengthen parking management and order maintenance

In terms of ensuring smooth operation of the road network, the Ministry of Transport emphasizes that Strictly implement the policy of free tolls for small buses on major holidays Strengthen the monitoring of ETC lane operation, and deal with abnormal conditions in a timely manner. Strengthen the allocation of expressway rescue forces And deal with the accident (fault) vehicles and the scene quickly to recover the traffic as soon as possible. Strengthen the operation guarantee of expressway service area We will strengthen parking management and order maintenance, strictly prevent accidents caused by vehicles pouring back into the main line, and strengthen the management of basic services such as refueling, charging, dining, and toileting to ensure adequate supply of goods, reliable sanitation, and convenient and efficient services.

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