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How can I buy a Dream Westward Journey Monthly Card?

How can I buy a Dream Westward Journey Monthly Card?

First of all, go into the game, find the point card trader here, and convert the monthly card.

1. First, open the game, find the spot card trader here, and perform monthly card conversion.

2. The monthly card conversion requires 600 points. If it is not enough, you need to purchase it. It can make you dream currency Or the people currency Made a purchase.

3. After purchasing and using the monthly card, there will be time to display it.

What should I do if I can't use up the monthly card for the dream journey to the west?

The time of the monthly card of Dream Westward Journey is left. When the next monthly card is activated, it can be accumulated to the next month. The monthly card is valid for 30 days, and the 100 hour game time is valid for 360 days

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