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What should I do if the LOL update fails? How can I retrieve the LOL playback failure?

What should I do if the LOL update fails? How can I retrieve the LOL playback failure?

1. The data package cannot be updated because the download data of the automatic update data package is lost.

Solution: You can enter the official website to download the patch package manually.

2. The disk space of lol is insufficient, so there is no space to store the updated game

Solution: Open the internal folder of the lol game, there is a TCLS file, there is a patch in it, and delete all the files. It is the player's previous installation package that automatically downloads updates. Updating the latest data package does not need the previous patch, and can be deleted completely, which can save a lot of space.

3. If none of the above methods works, it may be that the key files of lol are deleted by the system by mistake during the download process.

Solution: You can only download the latest version of the lol client again.

The League of Heroes let people know about this moba game with the potential of a dark horse, and countless players witnessed the glory of the League of Heroes. However, when the glory finally came to an end, under the impact of other games and many factors, the League of Heroes finally revealed its decline.

1. The computer fails. Restart the computer after shutdown, and then update it.

2. Download 360 or QQ butler.

3. QQ housekeeper; Open the toolbox - network connection - traffic monitoring - and find the file TenioDL.exe. (Right click to end the task).

4. Third party software conflicts with the game, mainly including auxiliary software such as box and feet, and 360 security guards blocking the download of some files from them, and deleting third party software such as box and feet; Temporarily turn off 36 security guards, and then turn them on after downloading.

5. The disk space of lol is insufficient, so there is no space to store the updated game. Open the internal folder of lol game, there is a TCLS file, there is a patch in it, and all the systems in it have been deleted. It is your previous installation package that automatically downloads updates. You don't need the previous patches to update the latest data package. You can delete all of them to save a lot of space.

6. The data package cannot be updated because the download data of the automatic update data package is lost. Enter the official website to manually download the patch package.

How to recover lol playback failure?

Method 1: Use LOL client to repair

When LOL playback fails, the first thing to do is to try to use the LOL client to repair it. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the LOL client and click the "Set" button.

2. In the setting menu, select "Client Repair".

3. Click the "Start Repair" button and wait until the repair is completed.

4. After the repair is completed, reopen the LOL playback file to see if it can play normally.

Method 2: Check whether the LOL playback file is complete

If the LOL client repair is invalid, the LOL playback file itself may have a problem. At this point, we need to check whether the LOL playback file is complete. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the folder where the LOL playback file is located.

2. Click to play back the file, right click to select "Belonging to" nature ”。

3. Existing nature In the menu, check whether the file size is the same as the normal size.

4. If the file size is abnormal, the file may be damaged. At this point, we need to download the playback file again.

Method 3: Change the suffix of LOL playback file

Sometimes, the suffix of the LOL playback file may have a problem, resulting in the failure of normal playback. At this point, we can try to change the suffix of the LOL playback file. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the folder where the LOL playback file is located.

2. Right click the playback file and select Rename.

3. Change the file suffix to ". bat".

4. Reopen the LOL playback file to see if it can play normally.

Method 4: Open LOL playback file with third-party software

If none of the above methods can solve the problem of LOL playback failure, you can try to use a third-party software to open the LOL playback file. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Download and install the third-party software "LOLReplay".

2. Open the LOLReplay software.

3. Drag the LOL playback file into the LOLReplay software.

4. Wait for the software to load the playback file to play back.

Method 5: Re record LOL playback

If none of the above methods can solve the problem of LOL playback failure, the final solution is to record the LOL playback again. Although this method is troublesome, it can ensure the integrity of the playback file. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the LOL client and play a new game.

2. Press the "F9" key in the game to start recording and playback.

3. After playing the game, save the playback file.

4. Open the newly recorded playback file for playback.

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