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In August, the new energy created the second generation sales ranking: the decline is hard to hide

After talking about the new forces of car building in the last issue, we will analyze the monthly sales performance of the new energy "second generation".

(Data pictures are for reference only)

In August, the sales ranking of new energy "second generation" was the same as that of last month. GAC Ai'an won the sales champion again with the achievement of 45029 vehicles. Dark Blue Automobile and Polar Krypton Automobile ranked second and third respectively, and both created new sales volume in August. The product matrix of Denza has gradually improved, but the N7 and N8 new cars have not yet shown obvious sales benefits in August. The sales volume of AITO in this month was 5018, down 77.4% year on year, which is difficult to achieve the annual sales target.

First place: GAC Ai'an 45029 vehicles

In August, the sales volume of GAC Ai'an reached 45029, only 4 more than that of last month, but the year-on-year growth rate reached 67%, and the sales volume exceeded 40000 for six consecutive months. It is worth noting that the terminal delivery volume of Ai'an has reached 52057 this month, with "delivery inversion".

Among many products, Ai'an AION Y (parameter | inquiry) Plus can be called "sales responsibility". In August, the terminal sales exceeded 26713, accounting for about half of the overall sales of Ai'an. Compared with competitors, the products of Ai'an are highly cost-effective and more popular with consumers. At present, the biggest problem faced by Aian is limited capacity. Previously, the person in charge of GAC Aian told the media that the standard design capacity of GAC Aian was 400000, and now the capacity has been fully loaded and overloaded, and the monthly sales can basically reflect the company's maximum capacity. From January to August this year, the cumulative sales volume of Ai'an was close to 300000 vehicles, which was at least 200000 vehicles away from its annual sales target.

Second place: 14736 Dark Blue cars

Dark Blue delivered 14700 new cars in August, up 11.87% month on month, a record high. Among them, Deep Blue S7 delivered 10039 vehicles in a single month, becoming a new pillar of Deep Blue brand. On August 25, Dark Blue SL03 completed the mid-term modification and lowered the entry threshold, which may lead to a wave of sales growth.

At present, Dark Blue has only two models, SL03 and S7. Although the number is small, the product is "more refined than quantity". Both models have good market performance after being launched. Previously, the Dark Blue SL03 also achieved a monthly sales of more than ten thousand cars. Now, after the launch of Dark Blue S7, the overall delivery data of Dark Blue has been boosted again. In addition to the above two vehicles, Dark Blue plans to launch a total of 12 new and modified models within three years. If we continue to develop in accordance with this goal, we can not underestimate the future development momentum of Dark Blue Motors.

Third place: 12303 polar krypton vehicles

Krypton cars ranked third. A total of 12303 new cars were delivered in August, with a year-on-year growth of 71.7%. For seven consecutive months, both the same and the same month on month growth was achieved. Thanks to the price adjustment policy at the beginning of August, Krypton 001 (parameter | inquiry) reduced by 30000 yuan to 37000 yuan within a limited time. After the release of this policy, it soon played a role in boosting sales, and the three day store intake of Polar Krypton stores increased by 30%.

By the end of August, the cumulative sales volume of Krypton brand had reached 67000, 48% of the annual sales target. However, if 73000 vehicles are to be delivered in the remaining four months of this year, Krypton will face great pressure. Or to help achieve the annual sales target, among the three models, Krypton 001, the most popular model, was selected to reduce the price. After the price reduction, the starting price of Krypton 001 was lowered to 269000 yuan, further lowering the threshold and entering a more popular market. Compared with polar krypton 001, polar krypton 009 and polar krypton X are aimed at a smaller market, with limited sales growth.

Fourth place: 11515 Denza cars

As a brand jointly established by BYD and Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes Benz, Denza has won the attention of consumers since the first product was launched.

In August, Denza sold 11515 vehicles, up 3.31% month on month. Among them, 10035 are sold for D9 and 1480 for N7. Before the launch of N7, Denza only had D9 model to fight alone, but D9 has performed very well in the market in recent months, and sent Denza to the "Ten Thousand Vehicles" Club with its own efforts. At the end of July, Denza N7 came into the market. Judging from the sales situation in August, N7 did not bring much help to Denza vehicles. On August 5, Denza N8 was officially launched, and the scene of three Denza models fighting side by side has been formed, but the specific sales volume will depend on the market performance in September.

Fifth place: 5018 AITO vehicles

Recently, the popularity of Huawei Mate 60 Pro has once again brought Huawei into the public's view. Different from the booming mobile phone market, the market performance of the AITO Interworld brand, which is deeply cooperated by Huawei and Celis, has not been satisfactory since this year. In the just concluded August, AITO only sold 5018 new cars, down 77.4% year on year.

In August last year, with Huawei's influence and appeal, AITO reached a sales peak of 22176 vehicles. In the past year, the sales volume of Quest has shrunk by three quarters, which has much to do with the decline of the magic power of Huawei's "golden signboard". Compared with new car making forces such as Ideals and Weilai, the product highlights of AITO are not prominent. Despite Huawei's endorsement, the company's products are not strong enough to withstand the market test. What's more, in addition to Celes, Huawei also cooperates with Chery, JAC and other automobile enterprises. In other words, the intelligent technology carried by Interworld will no longer be its unique product highlight.

(The picture comes from the deletion of network infringement)

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