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How can I tell if the iPhone is a refurbished machine?

How can I tell if the iPhone is a refurbished machine?

Check appearance

Check whether the appearance of the equipment is worn. If you buy a second-hand equipment, check whether the degree of use is consistent with the manufacturer's description. The new original iPhone has even and delicate feel, appropriate weight, and timely key feedback/ If the touch is obviously abnormal, it is likely that the domestic accessories have been replaced. Check whether the IMEI code on the back of the phone matches the IMEI code displayed inside the phone, whether the screen is tilted, grayed out, and whether there are signs of prying, removal, and repair around the screen.

restore system

In order to make a profit, some bad businesses may earn a high price difference by expanding the capacity and refitting the equipment with built-in stickers. In order to verify the normal activation of the equipment, they usually need to modify the internal memory, model, serial number and other information of the mobile phone at the same time, and restore the factory settings to reveal the modified information of the mobile phone.

Go to Settings - General - Restore, and touch Erase All Contents and Settings to restore the device to the factory settings.

View machine inspection report

● Open the Mac version of "Aisi Assistant", connect the device to the computer, go to "My Device" - "Device Information", and you can browse the basic information of the device, including the current firmware version, device sales model, serial number, device serial number, and sales region.

● Click View Equipment Details

You can view more detailed device information. You can choose to go to "Text Editing" to open in text form, or you can "Screenshot to Clipboard" to extract information;

● If you still have doubts, the Mac version of "Aisi Assistant" also provides a powerful "machine verification report" function. You can view the underlying details of the device simply by connecting the device. After connecting the device, go to "My Device" - "Device Information" and click "View Machine Verification Report".

The "Aisi Assistant" machine verification report includes basic information such as device model, color, hard disk capacity, sales model, sales region, and hardware parameters such as Wi Fi address, machine serial number, motherboard serial number, battery serial number, and fingerprint serial number.

By comparing these information, we can simply judge whether the equipment is to be disassembled or repaired, and replace the shell, screen or battery; Whether to expand capacity; Whether to replace the motherboard and modify the Bluetooth, Wi Fi and cellular addresses. There are several data that need special attention:

◦ Apple ID lock

The activation lock is an anti-theft function launched by Apple. When the user opens "Find My iPhone", the activation lock will be automatically opened. Even if the data is erased or the machine is refreshed, the device can be reactivated only by entering the corresponding Apple ID and password, otherwise it will not be activated for use.

◦ Whether there are card stickers

Most iPhones sold abroad have network operator service locks. The device can only use network services normally if it is matched with the SIM card of the corresponding operator. Otherwise, the analog signal of the card sticker needs to be cracked. Many bad vendors pass the locked machine off as the unlocked machine through the built-in card sticker.

◦ Serial number matching

The serial number of the iOS device corresponds to the sales model and the hard disk capacity. If the serial number of the "Machine Verification Report" prompts that the serial number does not match, it means that at least one of the three data items has been modified, which is common on capacity expansion devices.

◦ Five yard matching

The UDID of the iOS device is generated from the IMEI code, serial number, Wi Fi address, and Bluetooth address. If there is a mismatch, it means that the device parts have been replaced.

What's the difference between Apple's refurbished machine and the new one?

1、 Appearance difference

1. The screw interface part of the refurbishing machine will have scratches, and the new machine generally will not have scratches;

2. The charging interface of the refurbished machine has black scratches that are difficult to remove, but the new machine does not;

3. There will be obvious friction marks at the contact of the SIM card chip of the renovated machine, but not the new machine;

4. There are some differences between the details, equipment packaging and new opportunities of the refurbished machine, and the process of the refurbished machine will be relatively rough;

5. Generally, the shell of the refurbishing machine is copied from the original shell or carefully treated by the old shell. The front and rear parts of the shell are easy to close, leaving large seams, while the new machine does not.

2、 Price difference

Refurbishment machines are often cheap, which is very different from the market price. New machines are often expensive.

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