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Looking forward to CSL: Hainiu ushers in its new home debut Guo'anchong's first win of the season

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At 19:352023 on April 25, the third round of the Chinese Super League match between Qingdao Manatee and Beijing Guoan was held at the Qingdao Youth Football Stadium.

Qingdao Manatee ranked the 12th in the first two rounds with only 1 point for 1 draw and 1 negative score, and Beijing Guo'an ranked the 8th with 2 points for two consecutive draws. Qingdao Hainiu has started the new season with two consecutive visitors. This round will usher in the first home game of the new season, and it will also make its debut in Qingdao Youth Football Stadium. Center Forbes was injured before, but he will recover soon. There were also injuries in Beijing Guoan Team, but Zhang Yuling's recovery speed exceeded expectations. Adebenro went to Qingdao with the team, but whether he can return to the team list is still uncertain. Guoan still needs to be observed. Both Qingdao Manatee and Beijing Guoan hope to win the first game of the season in this round.

Antonio, the head coach of Qingdao Hainiu, said at the pre match press conference: "I'm glad to be back at home to prepare for the match. This is also our return to the CSL after nine years. The conditions of the venue are incredible. We are ready to dedicate a wonderful game to Qingdao fans. I think we have not been very lucky in the past two games, especially in the last game. We look forward to winning the game tomorrow." Jiang Ning said: "I'm glad to return to Qingdao again to play the home game, and to return to the first game of the CSL after nine years. I hope everyone can unite to win the game."

Stanley, head coach of Beijing Guoan, said at the pre match press conference: "The preparation time between the two games is very short. We need to recover physically and mentally, help each player recover to the best state, and play well. All of our team are doing their best to do the best." Zhang Yuling said: "I think we are well prepared. The team has gradually entered the right track after two games. We are all looking forward to winning the first league game this year."

Qingdao Manatee has played 38 times with Beijing Guo'an A, Chinese Super League and the Football Association Cup. Qingdao Manatee has won 4, drawn 13 and lost 21. Qingdao Manatee has played 36 times with Beijing Guo'an A and CSL, winning 4 times, drawing 13 times and losing 19 times. The last confrontation between Qingdao Manatee and Beijing Guoan dates back to 2013. Ten years later, the old rivals met again.

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